Chapter 6- NEW START🫶🏻

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            As Ameera prepares to embark on her new journey in the US, she is enveloped in a bittersweet embrace of emotions. Mama and Mami shower her with tearful blessings, their voices trembling with pride and love, urging her to chase her dreams fearlessly.
               Omer dont want to see ameera sad so he decided cheer her by his way obviously 🙄.
   Omer leaned in with a grin, "Hey, Ameera, promise me one thing: no bringing home a cowboy or a surfer dude as your hubby, okay? Mama's heart can't handle it!"

Ameera laughed, swatting his arm lightly, "Oh, come on, Omer! You know I have better taste than that."

"Just making sure!" Omer chuckled, "But seriously, don't forget our deal: no white dudes unless they can handle Mama's spicy biryani!"

"Deal!" Ameera replied, shaking her head with amusement. Their playful banter eased the tension of goodbye, leaving Ameera with a smile as she embarked on her adventure across the pond.


                Ameera stepped into the room, draped in a rich, red wine-colored abaya that cascaded gracefully around her figure. The garment accentuated her every movement, hinting at a quiet strength beneath her serene demeanor. A crisp white hijab framed her face, highlighting her features with a soft, ethereal glow. Her makeup was subtle, enhancing rather than overpowering her natural beauty. As she moved with effortless grace, Ameera's presence commanded attention, her beauty a testament to both her inner and outer radiance.
  Her family couldn't take their eyes off her as she was looking eye catching

  Her family couldn't take their eyes off her as she was looking eye catching

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( ameera's abaya with white hijab also imagine a white mask 😷)

        With a heavy heart, Ameera said her goodbyes to her family before boarding the plane. It was her first time flying alone, and she was filled with a mix of excitement and nerves. Once settled in her seat, she scrolled through the in-flight entertainment, watching a few movies to pass the time. Eventually, exhaustion took over, and she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the adventures that awaited her in the US.

Ameera stirred from her sleep as the pilot announced their imminent landing. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she peered out the window, watching as the landscape below gradually came into view. With a sense of anticipation tingling in her chest, she gathered her belongings and prepared to disembark.

Stepping out into the bustling airport terminal, Ameera's gaze wandered curiously, taking in the sights and sounds of her new surroundings. Amidst the sea of faces milling about, her eyes caught sight of numerous handsome gentlemen, their diverse features and styles adding to the vibrant tapestry of the crowd. A small smile tugged at her lips as she navigated through the throng, her heart fluttering with the excitement of beginning her new journey in this foreign land.

Ameera's eyes widened in disbelief as she caught sight of Uzair bhai striding through the bustling airport terminal, a bouquet of flowers in hand, his presence commanding attention from nearby admirers. With his confident aura and captivating smile, he seemed straight out of a romantic film, the hero of her story.

Amidst the flurry of excitement, Uzair bhai's eyes locked with Ameera's, a knowing grin spreading across his face as he made his way towards her through the crowd. As he reached her side, he presented her with the bouquet, a symbol of love and support on her new journey.

With tears of gratitude welling in her eyes, Ameera threw her arms around her brother, feeling a surge of pride and comfort in his embrace. In that cinematic moment, amidst the backdrop of swirling emotions and bustling crowds, Ameera knew that no matter where life took her, Uzair bhai would always be her steadfast anchor, ready to guide her through every twist and turn of her adventure.

Ameera: Uzair bhai, I can't believe you're here.

Uzair: I wouldn't miss this moment for anything, Ameera. Seeing my little sister all grown up and achieving her dreams—it's overwhelming.

Ameera: It's all thanks to you, bhai. Your support and encouragement kept me going.

Uzair: You did this on your own, Ameera. I'm just proud to see the remarkable woman you've become.

Ameera: Tearfully I wish mom and dad were here to see this.

Uzair: They would've been so proud of you, Ameera. But I know they're watching over us, smiling at your achievements.

Ameera: Sniffling I wish they were here to see you too, bhai. You've always been there for me, like a second parent.

Uzair: That's what big brothers are for, Ameera. I promised them I'd take care of you, and I intend to keep that promise.

Ameera: Smiling through tears I'm grateful to have you, bhai. I wouldn't have made it this far without you.

Uzair: And I'll always be here for you, no matter where life takes us. You're not just my sister, Ameera. You're my best friend.

[They share a heartfelt hug, their bond as siblings stronger than ever as they embark on this new chapter together.]

Ameera's big brother, Uzair, goes with her to sort out all the paperwork and get her settled into the university dorms after she arrives in the US for her studies. He's there to help her with everything, making sure she's all set for her new adventure. Ameera feels really thankful for his support, knowing she couldn't have made it this far without him. With all the paperwork done and her dorm room secured, they're both excited and ready to start this next chapter together, feeling closer than ever as siblings.

After settling into her dorm room, Ameera takes the time to organize her wardrobe and arrange her belongings, making her new space feel like home. As the evening approaches, she prepares to perform the Isha prayer, a peaceful ritual that grounds her in faith and gratitude. With sincerity in her heart, Ameera bows her head in prayer, offering heartfelt duas and expressing her gratitude to Allah for guiding her to this moment. In the quiet of her dorm room, surrounded by the comforting presence of her belongings and the soft glow of lamplight, Ameera finds solace and strength in her connection to her faith, ready to embrace the journey ahead with trust and humility.

As Ameera finishes arranging her belongings, she looks at the empty bed in her dorm and hopes her roommate will be Muslim like her. She prays silently, asking for a companion who shares her faith and can be a source of support in her university journey.

After organizing her dorm room and saying her prayers, Ameera looks at herself in the mirror and makes a solemn promise. "Alright, Ameera," she says to her reflection, "from now on, it's all about self-care and self-love. No more late-night snacks or skipping workouts. It's a new chapter, and I'm going to be the best version of myself!" She then giggles at her newfound determination, realizing that this "new her" might need a bit of humor to navigate through university life. With a wink to her reflection, she heads to bed, ready to conquer whatever challenges come her way with a healthy dose of laughter and self-love.

Hiiiiii lovely doves 🕊️
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