Chapter 7- Homesick

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I'm sorry to myself
I'll treat you better

In her university dorm room, Ameera stirred from her sleep as the morning light seeped through the cracks in her curtains. With a yawn, she sat up in her bed, feeling the chill of the morning air against her skin. After rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she quietly tiptoed to the shared bathroom, mindful not to disturb her sleeping roommate.

With the sound of running water, Ameera washed her face and performed her morning ablutions, the familiar routine grounding her in the midst of the bustling dormitory. Back in her room, she rolled out her yoga mat in the limited space between her bed and desk, stretching her body in a series of gentle poses to invigorate her muscles.

Feeling refreshed, she dressed quickly and grabbed her backpack, ready to face the day. In the communal kitchen, she prepared a simple breakfast of oatmeal and fruit, savoring the peace and quiet of the early morning before the chaos of classes and assignments began. With a contented sigh, Ameera glanced out the window at the campus coming to life, grateful for the simple joys of a new day in the university dorm.

      Rushing to her first class of the semester, Ameera turned the corner of the crowded hallway a bit too hastily and collided with something solid, causing her to stumble back in surprise. As she regained her balance, she found herself face to face with a guy who seemed to have stepped out of a magazine cover, with his well-built physique and chiseled jawline.

As Ameera stumbled back from the collision, she found herself face to face with a guy whose presence seemed to light up the hallway. With a sly grin, he quipped, "Well, if I knew bumping into walls would lead to meeting someone as lovely as you, I would have done it sooner."

Ameera couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected pickup line. "Smooth," she replied, her cheeks tinted with amusement. "But I hope that's not your usual method of introduction."

The guy winked playfully. "Only for special occasions. And meeting someone as captivating as you definitely qualifies."

Rolling her eyes but unable to hide her smile, Ameera shook her head. "You really know how to lay it on thick, don't you?"

He shrugged, still grinning. "Hey, can't blame a guy for trying to make an impression. I'm Ahad, by the way."

Ameera laughed, charmed despite herself. "Well, Ahad, I'm Ameera. And I must say, your approach is certainly memorable."

Ahad bowed slightly, his grin widening. "Glad to hear it. So, Ameera, how about we continue this conversation over coffee sometime? I promise to leave the wall-bumping at home."

Ameera couldn't help but laugh at his persistence. "Alright, you've convinced me. Coffee it is, but only if you promise to tone down the charm."

Ahad held up a hand in mock surrender. "Deal. Looking forward to it, Ameera."

He continued the talk while walking in the hall then he asks with eyes brightened with interest. "What's your first class?" he asked.

Ameera checked her schedule. "Literature. You?"

Ahad's smile widened. "Same here! Looks like we're off to a good start."

Ameera chuckled. "Definitely. Hopefully, it's a good class."

Ahad nodded. "Yeah, I've heard the teacher, Mr. John, is pretty sweet. Maybe if we sugarcoat him enough, we'll become his favorites."

Ameera laughed. "That sounds like a plan. Let's charm our way to the top of his list."

With a shared grin, they headed off to their first class together, already forming a bond over their shared sense of humor and anticipation for the semester ahead.

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