Chapter 5 -FAREWELL🥹

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          Ameera: "Guess what, guys? I got scholarships in the US, and I'll be moving there soon!"

Ali: "No way! That's incredible, Ameera! We're so proud of you!"

Safura: "Oh my gosh, Ameera! I'm so excited for you! The US is going to be amazing!"

Huzaifa: "Seriously? That's awesome news, Ameera! We'll have so much fun together in the US!"

Anaya: "Wow, Ameera! I can't believe it! You're going to have such an amazing experience! We'll have to plan some visits!"

Shanaya: "This is fantastic, Ameera! I'm so happy for you! The US is lucky to have you. We'll make sure you feel right at home!"

              Ameera: "Thank you, everyone! Your excitement means the world to me. I'm feeling incredibly happy right now, knowing I have your support and that we'll make countless memories together in the US!"

As Ameera glanced around the room, she spotted Saud engrossed in conversation with other guests. Observing him effortlessly charm everyone with his wit and charisma, she couldn't help but feel a wave of admiration. Saud's ability to connect with people from all walks of life was truly remarkable, and Ameera knew his presence would bring joy and laughter to their new life in the US. With a sense of gratitude, Ameera made a mental note to spend some quality time with Saud later, cherishing the bond they shared as cousins and friends.


As Saud wrapped up his conversation with other guests, he made his way over to Ameera and their cousins, joining them with a quiet nod. Ameera, noticing his arrival, felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension. She hadn't yet shared her news with Saud and wasn't sure how he would react. As the conversation continued, Ameera hesitated, unsure of how to broach the topic with Saud, who sat beside her in silence. Despite her eagerness to share her excitement with him, she couldn't shake the feeling that Saud might not be interested or receptive to her news. With a nervous glance in his direction, Ameera gathered her courage, preparing to reveal her plans to move to the US with the help of scholarships.

      Ameera: "Hey, Saud! Can I have a quick word?"

Saud: barely looking up "Sure, what's up?"

Ameera: "I just wanted to share some news. I got scholarships in the US, and I'll be moving there soon!"

Saud: with a hint of indifference "Oh, that's nice."

Ameera: trying to gauge his reaction "Yeah, I'm really excited about it. It's going to be a big change, but I think it'll be an amazing opportunity."

Saud: nonchalantly "Cool. Well, good luck with that."

Ameera: feeling a bit deflated by his lack of enthusiasm "Thanks, Saud. I just thought you'd be interested since we're family and all."

Saud: shrugs "Yeah, sure. Anyway, I've got to go talk to someone else. Catch you later." walks away

Ameera: sighs, feeling disappointed by Saud's reaction, but decides to focus on the excitement of her upcoming journey

As Ameera replayed the interaction with Saud in her mind, she couldn't shake off the feeling that he was acting like a total jerk. His disinterest and cold attitude toward her news made her lose all respect for him. She couldn't believe how arrogant he seemed, brushing off her excitement as if it meant nothing. It was like he couldn't care less about her achievements or happiness. Ameera couldn't understand how someone could be so insensitive, especially within their own family. From that moment on, she couldn't help but see Saud in a different, much less favorable light.
As the evening drew to a close, the cheerful chatter and laughter gradually faded away, signaling the end of the gathering. Ameera and her cousins exchanged heartfelt goodbyes, grateful for the time spent together despite the bittersweet moments. As they parted ways, Ameera couldn't shake off the lingering disappointment from her interaction with Saud, but she chose to focus on the warmth and support of her other cousins. With a sense of anticipation for her journey ahead, Ameera bid farewell to the gathering, eager to embrace the new adventures awaiting her in the US.
Later she talks with her brother.

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