I find myself running home to your sweet nothings

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A/N sorry it's a shorter one. But it's all I could do today. I wanted to get something up for you all today.

-Taylor POV-

"it's going to be the prettiest ever and ever" Thea shrieks as Travis and I are painting her room. We wanted to do it ourselves, to put a personal touch on it. sure it would be easy to hire someone to decorate her room for us, but It wouldn't be the same.

Three walls are getting pastel pink paint, while the fourth wall is getting a glittery pink wallpaper.

I roll some more paint on the wall before dipping the roller back in the paint. "it is. You're a lucky girl" I tell her before she runs out of the room again. She offered to help paint, but she would be more in the way than anything else.

"she is excited," Travis says from the other side of the room, and I smile before turning to face him. "she is. I'm happy we are doing this. Thanks for sacrificing a guest room for this."

"this is your home too now; I want you both to be comfortable here. Of course we will decorate a room for her, she deserves only the best. And so do you" he says, and I can't help but get this warm and fuzzy feeling.

My stuff from New York has arrived, as well as the instruments for the music room. I got a beautiful sleek black piano for the middle of that room. It got here yesterday so I played around on it earlier today.

"thank you," I say before turning back to the wall, rolling on some more paint.

"no need to thank me for that. I meant what I said. This is just as much your home now as mine. together we will build it to fit the two of us and this little family" he says, and I get emotional. I don't want to cry, so I hold back the tears.

He has done everything he can to make us feel welcome here, like it's our home as well. And it feels more like our home than anywhere else. Home isn't just a place after all, it's the people in it, and Travis is home to me.

I must say it's also refreshing to live with someone who are financially stable. We share the expenses, even though the house is in his name. just the fact that it for once doesn't need to be me who buys or rents the house is nice. It's not that I don't have the money to do so, because I have more than I could ever use. But I'm so used to paying for all and everything with joe so it's nice to have someone who has his own money. We share the utility bills, I insisted, but the fact that he didn't need me to speak volume. He asked me to move in and didn't want me to pay, he just wanted me here. I want to chip in with some of the expenses myself, that's just the kind of person I am, but I'm not forced to.

"fuck it if I can't have him, I might just die it won't make no difference" Travis mumbles and I grin. I played him some new music that's done, and he has been obsessed with "Down Bad" ever since. The album is almost finished, just a few more songs to finish up and then it's done. I'm so excited for the fans to hear it, hear my side of the story about what happened this last year. With everything going down with Joe and with Matty I want to tell my side of the story, not to mention the couple of love songs for Travis.

It makes sense to write about him because he has quickly become such a big part of my life. I'm working on a song right now with football references in it, and I already wrote "So High School" a while ago. For the most part, the album is Female Rage the musical, but there are these other gems in there about how happy I am now.

"touch down, call the amateurs, and cut them from the team," I mumble the line from the chorus I've been working on. I've been mulling over the words over and over today as I try to work out the rest of the song. It's all about finding the puzzle pieces and getting everything together.

"Hey, did you ever respond to that message from Joe?" Travis asks and I stiffen just at the mention of his name. Of course, I told him about Joe sending me a message through Patrick, I don't keep things from Travis. the foundation of a relationship needs to be built on honesty, that's what I think at least. Without honesty between partners, you don't have anything solid to build from.

"No, and I'm not going to dignify the attempt with an answer. It won't do any good" It might be petty of me, but I honestly don't have the energy to go on a back and forth with Joe. I want him out of my life, so therefore I need to take a strong stand. If I don't put down boundaries, he is going to keep chipping at my armor and eat me whole. I'm finally out of his grasp, and there is no fucking way he is getting his claws in me again. No fucking way.

"if that's what you want to do I support it. I will support whatever you choose Taylor. you just didn't tell me, so I had to ask" he shrugs before coming over and pecking my lips. "I'm always here for you, always on your side baby."

"thanks. I just want to keep him out of my life, out of Theas life. I know we have the court thing coming up in a few months, but until then I want to keep him the fuck away from us. I can't waste energy on him, because it's going to eat me whole" I rest against his bare chest and take in the comfort he offers.

"whatever you need, I'm there for you. I love you" he says and kisses the top of my head before wrapping me tighter in his arms. "I love you too. more than I can tell you" I say and kiss his bare chest.

We snuggle for a bit before we continue on the room. I want to finish this today so we can start putting together furniture tomorrow. The goal is to get this done before new year's. If we can do it or not, I don't know, but we can sure as hell try. I love having a project to sink my hands into, especially to keep unwanted thoughts of joe out of my mind. Just getting that one message from his messes with my head. I wonder if I will ever be strong enough to permanently keep him out of my mind, or if there will always be a part of me that lingers on what we had. We were together for over six years, that's a hell of a long time. it's not weird that some things still linger, right? 

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