I circled you on a map

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-Taylors POV-

Time passes and I get more nervous the longer it takes. We hit the two-hour mark when the surgeon comes out and takes off her cap as she comes towards us.

I grab Travis's hand as hard as I can. I don't like this. I have a bad feeling that something happened during surgery.

"miss swift. Your daughter is out of surgery. Her appendix had burst which led to us having to open her up instead of doing the surgery laparoscopically. She lost a bit of blood, so she is getting a blood transfusion as we speak. But overall the surgery was successful, and she should fully recover from it. she does need to spend a few days in the hospital for pain management" she says, and I take a deep breath.

Thea is okay. She is okay. I want to throw up I've been so nervous. When they first told us that the appendix had burst it felt like my world was crumbling, but everything happened so quickly and then she was taken away from us.

"okay. When can we see her?" I rasp out and she smiles at me. "I can take you to her."

We follow the doctor to a room where Thea lay in a big bed hooked up to IVs. She looks so small, so fragile, lying there. I rush over to her side and take her little hand in mine. "she should be waking up shortly. A nurse will be here in a moment to make sure her pain is managed properly" the doctor says before going over some post-op things we need to know. She needs to keep the incision site dry until the stitches are taken out in two weeks. We will have to give her pain medication after we take her home too. She should rest up to recover quickly.

The doctor leaves us, and Travis rests a hand on my back as we take in how still Thea is lying there. We just stare at her for a while until she starts to stir. She wiggles her fingers first before she groans and opens her eyes.

"Mommy, Travis?" her voice is raspy from the intubation but it's the best sound I've ever heard. Hearing her voice again... it's everything.

"my belly hurts mommy" she whimpers, and I pull the string for the nurse to come in to give her more pain meds.

"I will get the nurse and she will help you. it's going to be okay now. you're going to get better, and your tummy isn't going to hurt again" I brush her hair away from her pretty face.

"you did really good princess. You're so brave" Travis says and leans down to kiss her forehead just as the nurse comes in.

"you're awake Dorothea. That's good. how are you feeling? I'm your nurse for tonight, Miss Anna" the nurse asks her, and Thea scrunches her face "My belly hurts. Really badly" she whimpers.

"let me give you some pain meds so you're more comfortable" the nurse fusses over Thea, giving her medication before heading off to get her a pudding cup since she can eat again. It's really late, past midnight, but she should eat something before she tries to sleep.

"I take a seat on the edge of her bed and Travis takes a seat on the other side. "did they take the thing out of my belly?" she asks, and I nod. "yes, your appendix was really angry, so they had to take it out. now you're going to feel so much better."

Nurse Anna comes back with a pudding cup and a spoon. "eat this and try to get some sleep. I will be around if you need anything. Do the two of you want some blankets?" the nurse asks us.

"yes, that would be nice. Thank you" I'm staying the night, no way I'm leaving her alone here.

When she leaves, I turn to Travis "You can go home if you like. Hospital chairs aren't exactly the most comfortable place to spend the night. You have practice in the morning" I shrug.

He raises his eyebrows at me before shaking his head "I'm here for as long as you're here. No way I'm leaving you before I have to. I'll go straight to practice from here tomorrow" he says and motions for me to take the recliner while he settles on the window seat.

It's going to be a long night, but at least the recliner is somewhat comfortable. I'm not going to be complaining anyway, I'm just happy Thea is okay. I can handle a few nights of bad sleep if it means I get to be there for her.


We spent two nights in the hospital before we got the go-ahead to take Thea home. Travis left during the day to go to practice, but he came straight back afterward. He has a game in two days, so I wanted him to focus on that, and get some good sleep, but he wouldn't hear it.

"she needs to take the pain meds every three hours to keep her comfortable for the next week. It will make her a bit groggy so she should get plenty of rest. Don't let her push herself too hard, if she does it will take longer to recover fully" the nurse explains to us while Travis is helping Thea get dressed so we can leave.

"okay. We will pick up the prescription on the way home" I tell the nurse and take a mental note of everything she tells me. I want Thea to have a quick recovery, so I'm going to make sure she takes it easy. She won't be happy about not going to Travis's game in a few days, but that's not even a question. She can watch it from home with Michelle. No way I'm letting a freshly operated child come to the cold stadium, no way.

We leave the hospital, Travis carrying Thea the whole way to the car. He insisted and didn't need to tell Thea twice to get her to agree. she is more than happy to be carried around.

On the way home we do stop to get her medication at a nearby CVS. I go in alone with just my security while Travis and Thea stay in the car. I don't want her wandering around anytime soon. I'm taking the resting she needs to do seriously. It will probably drive her mad to sit still and recover, but I won't budge on the issue. The last thing we want is post-op complications.

getting back to Travis's place feels like coming home. It's strange. We don't actually live here, but it feels like home anyway. I have homes all over the place, but this house that's not even mine feels more like home than any of them. maybe that's the company, because I don't think it would feel that way if Travis wasn't here. it's true what they say, home isn't a place, it's the people in it.

"come on princess. The couch is waiting for you" Travis carries Thea inside, making sure to carefully take off their shoes before walking further into the house, depositing Thea on the couch. He takes off her jacket before covering her in a blanket. She is getting sleepy from the medication she got before we left the hospital, so she will probably sleep for a bit.

Travis comes over to me and pulls me into his arms "She is home now. You're home. Everything is going to be okay now" he promises me, and I take in his scent, his comforting scent. Having him call this place my home, it's everything I could ever want.

"home" I mumble against him, and he tightens his arms around me. "I want this to be your home too. Theas as well. I know you travel a lot, and it's so soon into our relationship, but it just feels right. I want to be the safe base you come home to after a leg on the tour. I want this to be a place where you can find peace. I know you have homes all over the place, but... I guess what I'm saying... what I'm asking... is move in with me. let's make this place ours, not just mine. let's decorate a room for Thea and make you a music room."

Tears prick in my eyes because it's everything I could want. "are you sure about this? It's a big step. Living together" I say and pull away enough so I can look him in the eye.

"it doesn't feel that big of a change. It would just be making things a little more official. My home Taylor, it's wherever you are. I would move to you if I could, but my work is keeping me here. so I'm being selfish and asking you to move your home base here, move in with me. make this the safe place where you can find the peace, I know you want" he kisses my cheek and I sniffle.

"I want that too. so much. If you're really okay with it, I would love to make this our home. You, me and Thea. That's all I really need."

He smiles and pecks my lips "Then you are moving in then."

"I'm moving inn." 

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