Chapter 2: Judgement

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"Can we even call this a trial?"

"It really isn't. Omegaα just likes to make things sound official." IRyS shrugged.

The nephilim, along with Myth, sat at the side lines of the scene before them. Once again, they couldn't hear anything due to heavy restrictions but that's why they had IRyS there to convey any important updates.

Standing trial before Omegaα and the council was Jay. Who was now, along with the others, in a new awe inspiring location. A colosseum with white foundations that towered all around them.

Through the thick pillars was the outside vastness of space with the roof missing but proving for a dazzling display of a distant supernova brightening up the room in itself.

It was truly a sight to behold, one that Jay wished he could take pictures of. If he wasn't handcuffed by gold bindings.

"ꀭꍏꌩꌗꂦꈤ ꉓꌩꋪꀎꌗ, ꌩꂦꀎ ꌗ꓄ꍏꈤꀸ ꃅꍟꋪꍟ ꓄ꂦꀸꍏꌩ..."

"Can without all that distortion? I mean no offense but it gets hard to focus on your voice."



"So be it. --- You have been charged with a complex case of possessing knowledge of 'The Forbidden Truth.' a deadly reality that only one other being besides myself is privy to."

"The reason these charges act against you is because if this knowledge were to spread into the rest of the world, it will doom us all." Kronii added on.

"It is up to us to determine just how trust worthy you are to further the final decision of this trial since we cannot let you roam freely."

Amidst this, Omegaα swiped their hand in the air and summoned a faded screen that showed a picture of Jay and many other contents along side it.

"And we shall see that impression through your impact in humanity. With the info provided, it seems you're no short of a killer."

"I've stated this many times before that all my targets are criminals or abusers who deserve what's coming to them."

"And that makes you think bloodshed is a justifiable response?"

"Compared to the countless races you've killed for the 'greater good?' Yeah, I'd say my actions have some justification to them."

"Excuse me?"

"What? Did you think I didn't read up on you either? In the beginning of everything, to maintain this balance you oh so cherish, you've had to kill many powerful beings in the cosmos just so the council and you could keep the peace stable."

"Those 'monsters' bred from imbalanced chaos would have spelled the destruction of any future beings that may have come if we had let them live. It was a needed act to ensure no unnecessary losses took place in the future."

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