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It was pitch black all around. There was no closeness nor far distance, deafening silence and a cold sensation.

Gura was in the middle of it all, standing in the darkness, looking around herself but her eyes showed hollow understanding, she knew where she was.

"Where are you?" She asked in a vibrant echo.



"Why are still here?" Her own voice called back.

Gura turned around to face Gawr, her expression was a new sight to behold. For once, it wasn't a mischievous grin or an angered smile of bloodlust. She just looked disappointed.

"You know why."

"That doesn't answer much."

Gura walked towards her counterpart but in response, she backed away.

"You finally got what you'd been trying to do all this time, so why try to ruin it?"

Gura didn't have a straight answer, she silently breathed in. Not knowing if she's trying to convince Gawr or herself.

"Whenever it comes to this...you've always wanted to get rid of me. I've always wanted to get out. Everytime, everyday we end up here, fighting each other for control." She pressed her teeth. "We can finally stop."

"We can...but that doesn't mean we have to let each other go."

"Give me a break, you saw how things went out there. Dad beat our asses to dust and he...killed me, in some way. You finally got set free and..."

"And I've felt nothing like myself since. I felt...so empty and just...gone. It felt like he killed me too. It made me realize what we were doing wrong all this time."

She walked closer again, this time not seeing any protest from Gawr who remained silent and staring at her feet.

"You may be called my shadow but...you're still a part of me, you ARE me. Sure, you may be called a bad side but no one can be called themselves without it. We fight because we can't come to understand just how important we are to each other and I just can't be myself without you."

"So you just want me to be chained up in you so you can remain yourself?"

"It won't happen, not anymore. Cus this time I'm not going to push you away, I can see why you want an out...because of the way I've been treating you, but no more."

Gawr scoffed and looked off to the side, there wasn't much to look at, other than darkness. But it was a good kind of emptiness that helped her think.

"I promise...you won't have to feel like you don't have a choice. I mean, I won't stop you if you don't want this..."

"Think you actually can stop me, my essence is literally in your hands."

"I can, but I won't. I'm not going to trap you in place you don't wanna be in."


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