Chapter 2: Second Helping

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"Kronii? Guys?! Wait what the heck?!" Gura looked around the table at the massive beings looking back down at them.

Myth and Jay were scaling at the size of a mere spoon on the table under their perspective.

Speaking of Jay, both him and Amelia were quivering on their hands and knees, on the verge of passing out. They were feeling the weight of powers they shouldn't be standing against and that power was sitting at the head of the table.

"ꌩꂦꀎ ꅏꀤ꒒꒒ ꋪꍟꎇꍟꋪ ꓄ꂦ ꀎꌗ ꍏꌗ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꉓꂦꀎꈤꉓꀤ꒒ ꀤꈤ ꓄ꃅꀤꌗ ꋪꍟꍏ꒒ꂵ."

Enter Omegaα. "An observer", the overseer and supervisor of the Council of Concepts. Also a head staff at Cover Corp but that's not the most exciting alias when it comes to their presence.

"Why are we here?" Calli demanded an answer.

"I'm sorry we had to do this in such a harsh manner-"

"I said. Why. Are. We. Here?" The reformed reaper didn't want to hear any of Fauna's sweet talking in this moment.

"Due to a recent transgressions against existence in itself, the culprit has been brought here for trial at the higher realm of the council." Kronii addressed.

"Again? Amelia!!" Kiara looked down at the unconscious girl.

"It can't have been her! Kronii doesn't work that organized."

"Excuse me?!" The Warden slapped her hand on the table.

"ꌃꍟ ꌗꀤꍟꈤ꓄."

The booming voice caused even the myth to recoil while Kronii did infact quiet up, not without leaving a loud scoff before doing so.

"This trial ain't against you guys." Bae cut into the conversation. "Our target is him."

She pointed her slow large finger at Jay who was struggling in place.

"What? This...this doesn't make any sense?! What does he have to do with anything against the natural laws?" Ina stepped forward.

"ꂦꈤꍟ ꍏꉓ꓄ ꉓꍏꈤ ꒒ꍟꍏꀸ ꓄ꂦ ꍏ ꌗ꓄ꋪꍟꍏꂵ ꂦꎇ ꉓꂦꈤꌗꍟꆰꀎꍟꈤꉓꍟꌗ. ꌃꍟꀤꈤꁅ ꀎꈤꍏꅏꍏꋪꍟ ꂦꎇ ꓄ꃅꍟꂵ ꀸꂦꍟꌗꈤ'꓄ ꂵꍏꀘꍟ ꓄ꃅꍟꂵ ꀤꈤꈤꂦꉓꍟꈤ꓄."

Omegaα announced.

"That doesn't give us any context. We're done figuring this mess out for ourselves! We want answers before we listen to anything you guys have to say!" Gura angrily pointed at the bright rainbow being before her.

"ꀸꂦ ꌩꂦꀎ ꋪꍟꍏ꒒꒒ꌩ ꓄ꃅꀤꈤꀘ ꌩꂦꀎ ꃅꍏꃴꍟ ꍏꈤꌩ ꉓꂦꂵꂵꍏꈤꀸ ꂦꃴꍟꋪ-"

"If I may interrupt." IRyS raised her hand. "Despite our objective here, we have caused unjust concern for this group before us, Omegaα. I believe the others and I would agree to shed further light on the matter before proceeding with the trial. Can we speak with all of them privately?"

The force of an existence long beyond the word in itself, Omegaα silently stared at IRyS, their eyes showing debatable retaliation on this suggestion but then Mumei tapped in.

"And besides, if we're going to be holding a trial, it's only right that we act fairly as well. For one, our target can't exactly say much by being in your presence which can be a huge inconvenience."

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