And You Fall Inside A Hole You Couldnt See

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Part 1- Ol’ Friends

The mouse-like man sat on top of his man-made building. It stood tall, with the view of the city and ocean there in front of him. He hates to admit it, but he doesn't get out as much as he should. It's hard when a whole school is under the control of one person. He had many people to help take the load off, but a lot of things ended up in his hands still.

Nezu held his paws together and silently watched the night. He watched as certain streets honked and engines roared among it. Dogs barked in the distance and people shouted within them.

Moths had been collected by the light near the door to the roof. They fluttered around, sometimes getting too close to the white furred principal. He didn't mind though. They meant no harm to him, so he didn't care when they came too close to his face.

He had stared so silently and so still that the light had gone off. The moths scattered into the night and wandered off to whatever light they could find next. He just continued to stare silently at the bustling city.

He would go out more if there were more “people'' like him. In reality he knew he wasn't a person. It's just how it worked, and there was no changing it. He is truly one in a million. The only speaking animal he could find for lightyears.

Other animals didn't have a language of their own. Or maybe they did and he was just too domesticated to understand. The closest he got to understanding an animal was a mongoose he had met before Aizawa was even a student at U.A.

Back when he was younger he took a trip to find a new zoo exhibit. It was a small island that belonged to Britain called The Isle of Man in a small town called Dalby. It was nestled in between four countries; Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England. They had an odd new exhibit labeled “The World's Smartest Mongoose. Meet the Dalby Spook!”

He had stayed in that exhibit for hours, staring at the mongoose and watching her. She was very active, and was placed by herself next to another mongoose around her age. For hours she tried playing with the mongoose next door. It was a lazy day, where barely anyone was at the exhibit. It was a rainy day and most of the animals were outside, but he didn't want to go outside anyways.

Eventually she started pacing near the door, looking up occasionally and sniffing under the door. A person walked out with a puzzle on a stick, held high above the ground. Her long body went crazy as she tried tripping the man. It confused him why the puzzle had to be placed on a stick until she attacked his ankles. He tried to shimmy away but she disappeared into his leg and reappeared on the man's arm. He quickly switched hands and tossed the mongoose onto the ground.

Nezu could almost hear her pouting at the failure. She repeated and pounced each time before he placed it away for her, giving him time to set it up. She bit his hand and went through straight onto the puzzle, which was set up just in time. 

It was a metal box, covered in odd pieces. He stood close to the glass and watched as she pulled and tugged on different pieces. It was a rather difficult cluebox that Nezu had gotten himself a long time ago.

She had gotten pretty far, and was nearly done. It was the same spot he had gotten stuck at for a week. The man standing there motioned to the mouse, getting his attention. He looked up at him and watched as the man grew a smirk on his face.

“She's been stuck on this puzzle for a month now!” His British accent was oddly easy to understand compared to American accents. The mongoose didn't quite find it as funny. She looked up at him and let out a loud, frustrated scream before she went back to the puzzle.

Nezu motioned for the mongoose to get closer. She dragged the puzzle closer, waiting for him for some sort of answer. He motioned to a piece, and she followed, watching him motion carefully through each piece of the puzzle.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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