Bend The Nightmare

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“Shota!” Hizashi yelled from the hallway as he meandered into the bathroom. He shouted again as he started the sink faucet, “SHOTA!”

“Yeah?” He heard his voice call out from the shut door. “Hold up. I think my clock broke!”

“It broke?”

“Fucking Muck knocked it down!” He shouted as he opened the door and the small kitten ran out. She stared at the blonde man for a second before hissing, then continuing like nothing had happened.

Shota had walked out with a clock in hand. The screen was frozen at three AM and the last zero had an inconsistent flicker. He held it up with a scrunched nose, staring at Hizashi through the mirror. 

“You brought her home” He snickered as his friend dragged the broken device to the trash. She was overly charming for a cat. He wasn't really a cat type of person, nor a pet person in general, but she was an exception. Watching his friend scramble around the room trying to keep pure dumbassery alive was entertainment he didn't know he needed.

“I know I did. She just keeps getting stupider and stupider.” He said with concern, “It's getting worse by the hour!” 

“Maybe it's because you named her MUCK!” He tried not to accidentally spit out the toothpaste prematurely as he spoke, “I'd be upset too if I was named Muck!”

“You saw the dirt that came off of her? What else would you name something covered in that much dirt?” Shota had found himself dancing around the cat like he was in ballet.

Her fur was no longer nearly completely black in color. Now, she was a crisp brown with orange and white spotting. She was an odd looking cat, but it didn't matter to him. What mattered was how she had always found herself in trouble. Whether it was trying to choke on a wire, or somehow getting stuck on the ceiling, she did it all. It's only the Monday after they had gotten her on Friday, and she's already wreaking havoc.

“We're gonna go raiding,” Hizashi sang as he did a little dance, fixing his hair up in an upright position. He repeated the phrase like a little tune, excited for the day’s heroism.

“It's not a big fight…” Shota had wandered into the bathroom, waiting for his turn to quickly use the comb. Whatever to prevent mats forming in his hair. His hair was way too prone to matting and gathering dust. He had to comb or brush it, or it would knot up in a few days.

“Where's the comb?” He had asked, realizing it wasn't in Hisashi’s hand. He looked down before shrugging at the sink counter. He groaned as he whipped his head around, gazing at the small cat with a bright orange comb in her mouth. She chewed on the comb spikes, flicking her head every time one of the spikes flung back into place.

“Give that back!” He barked through his teeth. The kitten stared at him with confusion, before she was scooped up. He tried pulling the comb from her teeth, but he was careful to not break her small teeth. Muck growled at him with her dumb angry face, until she tried getting a better grip and accidently let go.

“Thank you!” He sarcastically said, carefully placing Muck back down. Already, she had forgotten about the fact she had lost her new toy.

He had felt something quickly crawl up his arm. His head whipped around to see what it was on his arm. A small, spider-like creature he had spotted hastily crawling up his arm.




He dropped the comb and grasped it with his hand, holding it tight in his fist. He panicked, locking the sink drain and throwing the bug into the sink

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