Bad Enough For You (Auslly)

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I'm Ally Dawson. I'm 16 and I'm a junior at Marino High School in Miami. My best friend is Patricia Maria de la Rosa but she gets everyone to call her Trish. Another summer over and a new school year is about to begin...

"Hey Trish, How was Canada?" I asked my best friend who was dressed in loud colours and bold animal prints as I put my books into my locker. It was hot day, the kind of day you want to be spending time at the beach or at the mall, not at school. Although I was a bit of a book nerd, I would've wanted to spend today getting ahead of the semester.

"It was good, if you call 3 weeks of: 'family time', stuck with my little brother, and no shopping, good." She said rolling her eyes. Trish and I were opposite ends of the spectrum. I loved school, Trish would rather be anywhere else, I worked with my dad at our own music store called Sonic Boom whereas Trish can't hold a job for more than a weekend. Trish loved material things like shopping and clothes whereas I didn't really care what I looked like, as long as it's comfy.

Trish eyed the books I was neatly placing in my locker and gave me a weird look.

"Okay, what?" I asked as I put the last book on the top shelf of my alphabetically organised locker. All my books and schedules were colour-coded and laminated too, but that was just for fun. 

"We haven't even had one class yet and you have books?" She asked, staring at herself in thesmall, square mirror she'd hung on the inside of her locker.

I beamed at my small but sassy friend. "These aren't text books, they're reading books, in case I get bored at lunch." I closed my locker and turned to her.

"That's just sad." She sighed and shrugged her shoulders indifferently. I gave her a smile and then we made our way towards the field. It felt great being back, don't get me wrong, I loved summer, spending time with my dad and practising my music even if no one would ever hear it. But there's something about school that makes me feel alive.

We sat down on the grass, since we had about 15 minutes until home-room starts. Freshmen boys were playing football and there were senior girls sunbathing in their denim shorts. Trish was telling me about her holiday until the whole field suddenly went silent. The freshmen stopped kicking their ball around and the seniors sat up and lowered their sunglasses to the tips of their noses to see what was going on.

I turned my head to see what the whole school was fixated on.

And there I saw them. Walking through the gates and coming onto the field were a group of 3 boys travelling in a perfect triangle. It seemed that they were walking in the style that the popular people in movies walk. Slow motion kind of, but this wasn't a movie.

One of the boys at the back of the triangle, I recognised. He was James Marcus. He had been at our school for about a year. He was popular. A quarterback for the schools football team, everyone wanted a piece of James Marcus, including me.

There was another boy at the back. One I didn't recognise. He was tall and had ginger hair. His clothes resembled a clown, minus the massive shoes and flower that squirts water. This guy was eccentric with his style.

Then there was the blonde boy at the front. He was dressed like a 1950's greaser boy. In ripped and frayed jeans and a black leather jacket. He was kind of hot... Okay, he was gorgeous but he would never go for someone like me so I shouldn't get my hopes up. I could hear all the girls giggling and whispering about the mysterious blonde. Just another popular boy with nice hair and a gorgeous face, what else is new?

They walked past us and towards the back of the field. "Who are they?" I asked Trish, who was also staring.

She looked at her phone and read something off it: "Er, let's see. You already know James, but the ginger one at the back is called Desmond but people call him Dez and the one at the front is called Austin Moon. They both transferred here from Kingsleigh High." She said then she put her phone down and looked back at them. They were sat down on a bench now, on their phones. The sun was hitting Austin's face perfectly, causing his blonde hair to go a golden hue.

I looked back at Trish. "It's not even first period. How do you know that?" I asked, frowning. I knew Trish was boy obsessed but this is a new level of stalker.

She looked at me and said "Ella Porter." Ella Porter is the girl in our year who knows everything about everyone. Like Gretchen Weiners in Mean Girls, but Ella probably knows more.

I asked Trish more about this Austin Moon. "Is he a Junior?" I asked, he seemed so confident, he has this swagger to him. Something I could never have.

She glanced at her phone and said "Yeah. He's in the same home-room as us, the same math class and the same music class as you." So he plays music? That's so cool, I guess he does have that musician kind of vibe about him. Kind of rocker type. The bell screamed at us to go to home-room before we're late which interrupted my thoughts. Trish and I stood up and made our way, my mind still on Austin Moon.

Bad Enough For You (Auslly) <EDITING>Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora