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Blair POV.

I get into the car, and the rain starts pouring again. The driver looks at me through the rearview mirror, "Miss Blair, where would you like to go?"

"The shopping center."

The rain gets heavier, pounding against the car windows. The car arrives at the underground parking lot of the shopping center. The driver gets out to open the door for me, then locks the car and follows me to the elevator.

I turn my head, "You're following me while I shop?"

The driver hesitates, "I can help you carry heavy items if you need..."

"Help me carry items or monitor me?" I sneer, "I'm going to buy maternity underwear, are you going to watch?"

The driver stops talking and waits in the car for me. I step into the elevator, press the button for the first floor, and then flag down a taxi at the main entrance of the shopping center. The destination is a nearby hospital.

The rain is still falling, making the car windows blurry. Outside, hurried pedestrians and vehicles are everywhere.

The car stops at the hospital entrance. I pay the driver and quickly walk into the outpatient building, then turn into the obstetrics and gynecology department.

This is a private obstetrics hospital known for its privacy, and I had already made an appointment before coming.

"Are you sure you don't want this boy?" Inside the consultation room, an elderly female doctor asks me.

"I don't want him."

"He's already three months old, fully formed. He has facial features, hands, and feet," she says, looking at a pile of test results.

"I don't want him."

"Do you have family or friends with you?" The female doctor adjusts her glasses and looks up at me.

"Can't I have the surgery alone?" I look at her.

The only person who knows about my surgery is Antonio. He called me this morning and wanted to accompany me, but I felt that nurses could take care of me. As a man, his existence can only serve as an embellishment of flowers and plants on the roadside. so I declined.

"Alright." The doctor stops persuading me and takes out the risk consent form.

I glance over it and sign my name in the blank space. "You'll need to stay in the hospital for two days after the surgery. The nurse will take you to the ward first, and in half an hour, she will take you to the operating room."

"Thank you."

From the beginning, I never wanted this child. I delayed it first because of the wedding, then because of George. He forced me to stay at Blue Sea, and I only found this opportunity today.

But as long as I'm in the operating room, even if he finds out, it won't matter.

I follow the nurse to a private ward, change into a hospital gown, and sit on the bed staring out the window.

The rain continues to pour, like a waterfall drenching this gray city. Lightning accompanies the rain, splitting the sky over the city.

The door opens.

I think it's the nurse, so I put on my slippers and get up. But just as I turn around, another flash of lightning illuminates the entire room and George's face at the door!

My first reaction is to pick up my phone and call Antonio. He should have come. I regret it now.

But when I dial the number, all I get is a busy signal.

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