Ch.25: Pregnant.

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After meeting my sister in a restaurant I came and got inside the car. I was about to start the engine but suddenly the door opened, making me startled. I turned my right to see Ava getting inside.

What the fuck is she doing here?.

"Ya! What are you doing here?". I asked her.

"Drive to the place which I tell". She said, I rolled my eyes and started to engine. She told me to stop in front of the Han river.

"Are you planning to get suic!de?". I asked her casually. She just rolled eyes without answering.

Soon, I stopped in front of the Han river. She got down and stood looking at me. I deeply sighed before removing my seat belt and stepping out. She walked and I just followed her.

"Why did you lie that girl was your girlfriend?". She asked after standing in front of the river.

"I didn't tell. It's you who asked me if she's my girlfriend and I just went along. Yesterday I messaged you to tell the truth but you were busy".

"Because I already found it out".

"What? How?".

"Social media exists, love. I texted her".

"W-what? You t-exted her?".

"Yes, why?".

"Nothing. She's just my friend, don't worry".

"Yes, she told me".

"Whatever. Now let's go?".

"Give me a second". She said and ran away somewhere. I just stood there while looking at the river.

After a few minutes she came running with a box.

"What's this?". I asked her.

"Today is my birthday". She said,

Oh shit!.

"Happy Birthday. I'm so sorry I didn't know".

"Nah it's fine. Here, take it. My gift".

"What? Today is your birthday so I should be the one to give you a gift right?". I asked.

"I know. But I don't want any ordinary gift from you. Just open the box". She said, I just nodded and opened it.

It was a new pair of shoes with a note. I smiled and opened the note.

“You are always running through my mind, so I thought you might need this gift. I know it's my birthday and I should be the one who should receive a gift. So, give me my gift by wearing it and walk into my life as mine❤️”.

I looked at her while smiling. How thoughtful. Actually this all should be done by me because I was the one who fell for her first.

"So, Song Mingi. Will you be my boyfriend?". She asked me. I just smiled and hugged her.

"Yes". I said.


"Sorry, sir. But I reject it". I said to the people who were auditioning me.

"Why? We are just telling you to sing a song. Your voice is perfect to be an idol".

"Sorry, sir. But I'm not interested. I bowed and walked out.

"Taehyung, what happened? Did you get selected?". Hyunjin asked me. I just walked away without answering him.
I drove off to the college back and was about to go inside our building but I stopped in the track when I saw Yn's brother Niki. He was talking with someone.

I HATE YOU |KTH|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora