Ch.18: Evil spirits.

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"Se-seojun tried to-to touch me forcefully". My eyes widened when she said that. Yesterday he said they are in a relationship right? Even Rishu nodded her head as yes. What's happening here? Why did he touch her forcefully when he's her boyfriend?.
Taehyung and Mingi ran and pulled Jin from hitting Seojun. While other boys still stood in shock.
"Rishu, why is your body cold?". Yn asked her while we were hugging. Yes, she is cold.
"I'm-im scared so". She said while breaking the hug.
"What nonsense are you telling, Rishu? You went mad or what?? Seojun Hyung can never do that!!!". Mingi came forward but Yn and I stood in front of her to protect.
"Please guys let's talk it out, mm?". Yn said.
"What bullshit??? She's falsely accusing our Hyung!". Mingyu said.
"Guys please this is a sensitive matter". Sunghoon said.
"Exactly Guys! Please let's not fight with each other-".
The doorbell rang, interrupting Hyunjin's words.


We all looked at each other in confusion because there is no way someone will come to this house. All twelve of us are here.
"Finally! They came!!". San said while smiling.
"Who? Whom you brought here?". Taehyung asked in confusion.
"You'll get to know. Come down". He said and walked out of the door as we followed him.
We walked downstairs and stood in the hall as San went and opened the door. The door opened revealing a man with a suit in the middle with one man and woman nexts to him.
San went and hugged that man in the middle and brought him inside as we all just stood there looking into each other in confusion. We had no idea what's going on.
"Guys, this is Ren. An exorcist". San said while bringing him near to us.
He came and hugged the boys while smiling and I just shook his hand.
"And what about those two?". Manya asked while smiling.
"Hi, I'm Jay and that's Ana. We are his assistants". That other guy said.
"As I already told you , I felt something yesterday in that room while playing truth and dare. I couldn't sleep the whole night so I called him. He's my new friend. Seojun Hyung, that time I told you right?". San asked as Seojun just nodded.
"San, maybe it's your delusion. We didn't feel anything here". Taehyung said.
"For you but not for us. I felt someone standing in the corridor just a few hours back". Mingi said.
"I felt someone behind the curtain in the room which I was hiding". Sunghoon said.
"I felt someone looking at me through the mirror". Jin said.
"Even though I did turn off the tap, the whole kitchen floor filled with water for which Jin Hyung scolded me". Jungkook said.
"So one way or another most of us felt the spirit was right. So obviously we need an exorcist for this. My friend, Ren, is here. Please can you see what's wrong?". San asked him.
Ren nodded and walked upstairs with his assistants.
"Don't come upstairs, stay here". Jay said and followed his boss.

We all sat on the couch while waiting for them. It was pin drop silence which Jin broke.
"You guys want water or juice? Everybody looks tense". He asked while getting up.
"You sit, I'll bring it". Taehyung said and went to the kitchen. After a few minutes he came back with a tray.
"Lemonade. To cool you guys". He said placing it on the table.
Soon one by one took one of the glasses and started to drink.

After like thirty minutes Ren and his team came down and sat opposite us.
"Ren, did you find anything?". San asked him.
"A lot of things to be honest". He smiled.
"Like what? Ghost?". Mingi asked.
"We don't call it a ghost. We call it , evil spirit". Ren said.
"So is that present in this house?". Jungkook asked.
"Unfortunately.. Yes". Ren said, smiling.
"So I was right". San said.
"And the more important thing is, It's not one". He said, making us widen our eyes.
"What do you mean?". Taehyung asked him.
"Yes, there are two evil spirits in this house."
Ren said. He slowly got up and continued to talk while walking.
"One is a man and the other one is a woman. Both are from different generations. Both don't have any connection. Still they are living in this house as spirits".
"Both are from different generations? What does that mean?". I asked him.
"Man was the water mage in Joseon dynasty and women was just a common girl from after 100 years of Joseon dynasty".
"Oh my God! Please can you elaborate it?". Jin asked.
"Okay okay listen. This house actually belongs to a Water mage called King Min Yoongi who was king of hahoe village in Joseon dynasty. He was killed by a king of Yangdong village called king tae with the help of a girl who was a wind mage".

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