Ch.23: Flashback.

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"Taehyung!! What the hell is this???". Taehyung's mom shouted at him while placing his report card. He sighed deeply while holding the report card and clenching it in his hand.

"I'm sorry, mom".

"Why are you asking sorry to me? Ask sorry to yourself! Didn't you promise me that you'll get first rank? Why will you promise when you can't keep it?".

"I tried , mom. I tried!!! I don't know how Hyungsik beated me. He always used to ask me for doubts. I really don't know-".

"I know! I know how he beated you. He never made friends like Yn. He made all topper friends and scored high marks".

"Mom, please!". Taehyung got up from seat.

"Don't bring Yn in my study matters!!!".

"Why? Did you get to know her rank?".

"I made her study with me. I'm damn sure she'll get above 95%".

"It's 80%". Taehyung's eyes widened because he even sacrificed his studies to teach Yn so many times.

"No way! We studied together! I got 97% so how come she's 80%-".

"Why? Because you were just wasting your time. Didn't you notice she was never interested to study but she was just interested to be with you? So only she used this combined study to spend time and chit chat with you. You are such a fool who thinks she's interested in studying with you. But yeah as her goal is just fashion designing this marks is enough but what about you? Didn't you want to study in Paris?".

"Who told I want to go to paris?".

"What!? Didn't you keep on telling you'll study medicine in Paris when you were a kid?".

"In kid. Not now".


"Simply. Not interested". He said and walked upstairs because he felt anger boiling inside his body.

He was indeed interested but was scared to leave Yn as they were just 16 years old. Yes, he was in love with her.

He went to the terrace and saw the soccer ball lying on the ground. He held it and started to play to control his anger. Suddenly his lips turned into a smile when he saw Yn walking on the road. He left the ball and stood admiring her from the terrace.

"Don't worry, Yn. I'll not leave you. I'll not go to any Paris. If I go you'll surely forget me so I'll study here only and make you mine". He said to himself. Suddenly his eyebrows joined when he saw Yn talking to some boy on the road. He zoomed his eyes and saw Hyungsik. Suddenly his mood changed. He clenched his teeth in anger. The view of love of his life talking to his enemy with a smile made anger rush around the spine. This is when he got his first manic episode. But he didn't know what was happening to him. He was not in sense. He didn't know a disorder started to grow inside his body. 

His anger increased the maximum level when he saw them hugging. Then Yn waved and walked towards his house. He was still looking at Hyungsik. Hyungsik brought his hand which hugged Yn's waist a few seconds back near his lips and kissed it. That's it, Taehyung lost it. He looked here and there in anger. Then his eyes landed on the ball which was near his feet. He was already angry at Hyungsik for taking his place and getting first rank and now seeing him hugging his girl felt like he's snatching everything from him. He bent down and took the ball in his hand. He raised the ball in his hand and aimed it at Hyungsik.

"Die!". He said and throwed the ball forcefully at him. Unfortunately, the ball straight away landed on Hyungsik's head, making him fall to the road. Taehyung placed his hand on mouth when he realised what he just did. Eyeballs went here and there due to fear when he saw blood coming out of Hyungsik's head. He looked around and sighed when he got to know nobody saw him. He, without wasting time rushed inside the house.

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