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Theolinda and Zane were in the Serpentine Den Cafe. The Serpentine Den Cafe was a warm and welcoming establishment known for its wonderful coffee. The cafe was situated on the outskirts of town, near Zane's laboratory. The warm glow of amber lights and mesmerizing serpent paintings on the walls created a relaxing and inviting atmosphere. However, rumours of secrets and clandestine dealings circulated among the cafe's patrons.

Theolinda admitted, glancing around:

"I've never been here before. Although in my police days, there were rumors of possible drug sales, in any case, nothing could ever be proven."

Zane commented:

"If you consider coffee a legal drug, then it is correct. Coffee is delicious and quite addictive."

With a curious glint in her eyes, Theolinda asked:

"I usually prefer strong flavors. What would you recommend for me?"

"How about a Forbidden Black Magic coffee?"

Theolinda raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"Zane, I did not remember you being so bold. A little naughty, yes, but not too much."

"I like to surprise people," Zane replied with a mischievous grin. "Trust me, you won't regret trying it."

"And the Dragon's Breath Latte?" Theolinda inquired, glancing over the coffee menu.

"I've never tried it, but I'm sure it's excellent too."

After they had their coffees in front of them, Theolinda asked:

"What did you find out?"

"The hair resembles a woman's, but keep in mind that this is not 100% trustworthy. The hair was not pulled out, so there was no struggle," Zane explained the findings.

"Okay, what about the glass remains?"

"The glass shards were analyzed, and it seems like the glass was broken from the outside in, suggesting that it was not accidental," Zane continued. "It was a glass containing water with a high proportion of benzodiazepines, not fatal but capable of inducing deep sleep."

"Interesting," Theolinda responded, taking a thoughtful sip of her coffee. "Thank you, Zane, for your help. By the way, the coffee is excellent. I must recommend it to my husband, Ryan. I'm sure he'll like this atmosphere."

Zane asked:

"You are very in love, right?"

"Yes, I love Ryan with all my heart."

THE HIDDEN'S ORDER MYSTERYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora