Epilogue 2

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It's been a year already since I got married to Asael. In this one year so many things happened but we both have overcome all those problems together. Finally now we are happy in our life, Alhamdulillah! I don't even have to worry about Aaran anymore cause he is married to Aaidah. Even if he wasn’t married I don't think he would've done anything cause I have a feeling that Aaran wouldn’t do anything this time. I don't know if he actually moved on or not but my heart tells me that at least he won't come between me and Asael anymore.

Thank you Allah for giving me Asael. Because of him I also got this amazing family. My sister-in-laws are also amazing. They are like my friends. I can say that now I only have them cause since last month Aafia stopped talking to me. I can't get a hold of her. I told Asael and he said that he would try to find out if she is in trouble. I can't hate her for suddenly blocking me from everywhere cause my gut feeling is telling me that my best friend is in trouble but she is not telling me anything.

“What are you thinking jaan?” Asael's voice brought me back to reality. It always does cause most of the time I get lost in my thoughts, especially after I became pregnant. Sometimes I overthink so much to the point I used to cry. But once I got food, I used to stop crying immediately. Talking about food and I'm hungry again. “Jaan.” I called him who hummed in response. “I want to eat a sandwich.” Asael looked at me raising his eyebrows.

I huffed in annoyance cause I know why he is looking at me like that. Well now I'm in the hospital because Asael didn’t wanted to take any risk. Few minutes ago my stomach started hurting and I started to panic. Asael had come to feed me but I refused and said that I can't eat anything due to my nervousness. “Where did your nervousness go?” He asked while taking out his phone. “Your twins ate it and now they are asking for more food.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

Yes, we will have twin babies. We don't know the gender but the doctor said that I will give birth to twins. “Yeah yeah blame my babies for everything.” I glared at him. “I'm joking baby.” He smiled at me nervously. Good, he should be nervous. “Your sandwich is on the way.” He sat on the chair beside the bed. I looked at him, noticing his face properly. He looks pale amd tired. “You should go home.” I said being worried for him. He didn’t go home even for once in these few days.

“I will go home only with you and our babies.” He took my hand, placing a kiss on it. “I'm actually nervous. The delivery date is tomorrow. What if something wrong happe-” He placed his index finger on my lips making me shut up. “In Shaa Allah everything will be fine. I will pray to Allah. Tonight I will also pray Tahajjud so rest assured and have faith in Allah.” I smiled at him and nodded my head. This is how he console me everytime I overthink or worry about useless things.

After a while my sandwich arrived and I started to eat immediately. I was eating when maa and baba came. “How is my daughter-in-law and my grandkids?” Maa asked while coming near me and placing her hand on my baby bump. “Your grandkids demanded sandwich just a minute ago.” Asael answered making maa start to laugh. “Maa see your son doesn’t want my babies to have a proper meal.” He looked at me widening his eyes as if I said something shocking. “It's bad to accuse someone of something they didn’t do.” I sticked out my tongue at him.

I became comfortable with his parents that now I don't mind being childish even in front of them. “You and your brother also used to demand food all the time when you two were in your mother's womb.” Baba said this time making me and maa burst out into laughter. “Baba at least you take my side.” Baba shook his head negatively before saying, “I will always take my daughter's side.” He looked at maa probably waiting for her to say something. “I will also take my daughter's side.” After hearing maa's response he made an annoyed face.

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