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After dinner, Phoenix got the kids settled for bed

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After dinner, Phoenix got the kids settled for bed. She didn't want them up for the conversation that was about to take place. She was finally about to let this whole situation go and move on. She just hoped everyone else would too. Everyone, including their parents, was seated in the living room. Phoenix was the last to sit down. Lauren sat on the arm of Phoenix chair for moral support.

"I wanted everyone to sit down and have a conversation because there are some things going on that we all need to move on from. I want to do this in front of everyone so that there is no he say, she say going on. If you're not interested in moving on then you will not be apart of me and my child's life. I don't want what I did thrown back in my face no more. I am going to speak my truth first and then we can all go from there. Is that cool?" everyone nodded.

"There are some things I am about to say that some of you may not have known. So here goes." Phoenix took a deep breath. She was about to let everything out.

"Me and Kyrie weren't on the best of terms before I left. We were having problems and it seemed like they were too far gone to fix." Phoenix bit her lip nervously. She looked over at Kyrie, then back to everyone else. "We had a miscarriage."

Kyrie dropped his head. Their parents sat there stunned while the rest of them that didn't know about the miscarriage took in that information.

"We both had different views about the pregnancy. He wasn't ready and wanted us to be married first while I was just happy that I was giving the love of my life a baby. We were figuring things out when the miscarriage happened. Kyrie continued on with life while I shut down. I felt like a failure. I felt like my body betrayed me. I couldn't carry my baby and I felt like it was my fault. Kyrie wanted to continue planning our wedding but I was still stuck. I didn't have anyone to turn to. I was dealing with it on my own. I guess my lack of emotionally existing drove him into Brittany's arms."

Phoenix wiped the tear that slowly rolled down her face. Kyrie kept his head down. He couldn't look her in her face.

"Kyrie had stop trying. One night he left his phone on the bed while he was in the bathroom. I went through it and saw all of the messages between him and Brittany. I was hurt and I felt betrayed again. I couldn't keep my baby and I couldn't keep my man. I needed a break. Nothing was going right for me. I was planning my exit from the relationship when I found out I was pregnant again. I was scared. My miscarriage was still fresh in my brain and I was so scared it was going to happen again. I was stressed out. I had just found out about Kyrie cheating and here I was pregnant again. I confided in my friends about getting an abortion because I honestly didn't know what to do. When Brittany showed up to our house telling me she's pregnant, I lost it. That was the final thing that broke me. I didn't know Leah went behind my back and told Kyrie about the baby so when he threw that up in my face as an excuse for what he was doing, I knew then that I needed to go. I was very much pregnant when I left the house that day. What started as me leaving for a vacation ended up being permanent. I need everyone in this room to understand that I did what I did for me. I needed help and I wasn't going to be able to stay there and get it. I went to therapy and had to cope with my miscarriage and my current pregnancy. I had to work through a lot of shit before I had Ken. I thought about coming back after I had her but the peace I had was comforting and I wasn't ready to lose that. Yes I know what I did was wrong initially and I am done apologizing for it. I was wronged and no one acknowledges that. I don't take back what I did, I just regret how long I did it. Now is the time for each of you to tell me how you feel so we can either move forward or let this be the end of whatever we have." She said finally releasing the breath she was holding deep down in her body.

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