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Phoenix sat across from Kyrie trying to read his facial expression. Its been a little over a week since they both were released from jail. Since then to avoid going to court, they both decided to meet with a mediator to decide custody and other arrangements for their daughter. Phoenix would do anything to keep their issues out of court. If it means having a stranger help dictate their decisions then so be it.

"Good morning. My name is Sheila Harrison and I will be helping you two make custody arrangements for your daughter. This meeting is ordered by the judge per Mr. Washington's request. If you two cannot come to an agreement here with me, I am sanctioned by the courts to turn this case over to the judge. If it goes back to the judge, custody will be decided by the judge. Are there any questions?" Kyrie and Phoenix both shook their head. "Okay great, let's begin. I'll start with you Mr. Washington."

"In my initial request I asked for joint custody. I believe that it is a fair request. I've already missed out on so much of my daughter's life. That should be a given."

"Are there any objections Ms. McAuley?"

"No I have no problem giving him joint custody."

"Good. That part was easy. Now the hard part." She began. "In the state of Georgia in the case where parents who share joint custody cannot agree on decisions for the child, one parent has to be appointed as the final decision maker. Whatever decision that parent makes is final. Again, this only happens when both parents cannot make a decision for the child.." She said looking between us. "I will open the floor for any statements, questions, or concerns at the moment." Phoenix looked in Kyrie's direction trying to read his facial expression yet again. He looked her way before clearing his throat.

"I think I should be the parent that makes the final decision." He said making Phoenix frown. "I want the opportunity to be a parent to my child. In this moment right now, there is nothing I can do when it comes to making decisions for my child. Her mom has had her to herself for almost five years. She makes all the decisions. I want to be able to be apart of my daughter's life in that aspect. Being a parent is more than just getting her on the weekends or whenever the other parent wants me to." Phoenix scoffed. Her leg shook viscously under the table. She hated to admit it but he was right. She wasn't use to considering someone else's feelings and opinions when it came to her daughter. She wanted to be selfish so bad but that would only lead her to a courtroom and that is not the route she wanted to go.

"Ms. McAuley do you have any objections or comments to what Mr. Washington just said?" Mrs. Harrison asked. Tears welled in Phoenix eyes. She quickly shook her head wiping her tears away.

"No. Give him what he wants."

"Okay. As of right now, Kyrie Washington and Phoenix McAuley will share joint custody of Kennedi Washington. Kyrie Washington will make any final decision for Kennedi Washington if he and Phoenix McAuley cannot make a decision on behalf of Kennedi Washington. Do that sound about right?" Kyrie nodded.

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