Dwarven King Gazel

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As the sound of beating wings echoed across the sky, Rimuru and his subordinates continued to gather near the entrance of their growing home. Above the half-built homes and the unfinished roads were hundreds of pegasus knights, circling the area. Rimuru had easily spotted King Gazel, with his imposing stature and golden crown, as well as his mount's red mantle instead of the usual blue worn by all the other pegasi.

During the slow descent of the dwarven soldiers and their pegasi, Rimuru could tell that his subordinates, especially Shion, Souei and Benimaru, had tensed up and were waiting for the order to strike. Shizue, on the other hand, had made herself scarce, as both her and Rimuru had decided beforehand that it would not be a good idea for the Armed Nation of Dwargon to learn of her residency in the Jura Tempest Federation.

Shizue believed that drawing more attention to herself was not the right move, especially after rumors of her demise started to flow through the western nations due to her sudden disappearance. She could correct these rumors, but it would also draw more attention to Rimuru, and consequently his newly founded federation. Knowing well the types of people that lived in the Western Nations, especially politicians, she felt that drawing their attention would be bad for a fledgling monster nation.

Rimuru, on the other hand, held no such thoughts. He instead wanted to ensure that he made as good of an impression on Gazel as before, if not better. He would hopefully make Gazel see him as an equal, rather than a junior this time. He had no problem being the junior disciple, however as events eventually start to drift off course, a stronger bond with Gazel would mean a higher likelihood of aid or alliance with Dwargon. Not to mention that any words perceived as rude may end up offending the Kijin too.

Hence, Rimuru put his plan into action. Or rather, his plan was already put into action quite a while ago.

Meanwhile, Gazel finally descended, dropping off his mount with a dull thud.

The first to approach the Dwarven King was none other than Kaijin. As a former citizen of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, he quickly knelt to show his respect to his former King.

"It has been a while, your Majesty. I hope you are doing well."

The King turned to his former subject.

"Indeed it has, Kaijin. And yes, I am doing well. I hope you are as well."

Gazel then looked around, seemingly looking for something. Or someone.

"Though it does not seem that the slime is here. I assumed that our arrival would draw its attention, perhaps I was mistaken."

"Heh." thought Rimuru. "I'm right here in front of him and he doesn't even know it. All according to plan."

["Heh."] *Smirks*

"Of course, you deserve much of the credit too, Ciel. I know that you ran interference to ensure that Anrietta would not notice my human form, and I didn't even have to hide it at all. All in preparation for a small power play that will nonetheless put myself on a more equal ground with the current regional powers."

["A simple strategy that serves to increase Master's reputation and decrease the reputation of one's adversary, leading to a more favorable outcome."]

"Only for those that will eventually become my allies. Keep my enemies guessing and underestimating me through a lack of information, and ensure that my allies are both confident and respectful of my abilities. Of course, we have to keep an eye out for any unexpected variables, and eliminate any if necessary."

["True. Michael and Feldway should be kept unaware of Master's true power, and Master should continue to hide his power without constantly putting himself down!"]

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