MY MAFIA(kenta x kim)Part 6

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It was the best day for Kenta to leave, and urgency was pressing on him. He informed Sonic about his plans, and Sonic, after some contemplation, agreed. Kenta urged Sonic to talk to Kim about leaving with him. Though hesitant, Sonic eventually decided it was best for Kim to be with Kenta for his protection.

In Sonic's room, the brothers had a heartfelt conversation. "I don't want to leave," Kim said, his eyes brimming with emotion.

Sonic sighed, holding Kim's hands. "Kim, it's for your own good. You'll be safest with Kenta. He's strong and can protect you better than I can here. But you must promise to visit every week."

Kim nodded reluctantly. "I will. And I'll be good, respectful, and use everything you've taught me."

Sonic smiled, though it was tinged with sadness. "That's my good boy."

As they were about to depart, Sonic spoke to Kenta privately. "Promise me you'll take care of him, value him, and be his happiness. I'm trusting you blindly. He means everything to me. Seeing him happy is my only joy."

Kenta placed a hand on Sonic's shoulder. "You don't have to worry. I swear on my every word, I will do everything to make him happy and feel valued."

Sonic's eyes were full of unshed tears. "You'd better remember those words, or I'll curse you and your ancestors till the world's end."

Kenta chuckled softly. "I get it, I get it. Can I go now? He's waiting outside."

Sonic nodded but then hesitated. "One more thing. If he leaves here today, don't let him come back. This place is no longer his. He belongs with you now." Sonic's voice cracked as he continued, "I've done everything for him, and now it's your turn. Don't let him return to the Dancing Valley. Thank you."

Sonic turned away, unable to hold back his tears. Kenta felt a pang of sadness but knew what needed to be done.

Should we go now?" Kenta asked as he approached Kim.

"Won't Sonic come to say goodbye?" Kim asked, looking around.

Kenta shook his head gently. "He's busy. He said his goodbyes already."

Kim looked down, a bit disappointed, but nodded. "Okay, let's go."

Kenta guided Kim to the car, his mind filled with the promise he made to Sonic. As they drove away, Kenta looked at Kim, determination set in his eyes. "Don't worry, mik. I'll make sure you're happy and safe."

Kim smiled faintly, leaning back in his seat, trusting Kenta completely

As they drove away, Kim glanced back at Sonic's mansion, a mix of happiness and sadness washing over him. Every little thing Sonic had done for him flooded his mind. The light rain outside added a melancholic beauty to the moment. Kim extended his hand out the window, feeling the raindrops, lost in his thoughts.

Kenta peeked over, noticing Kim's somber expression. It broke his heart to see Kim so low and sad. Determined to lighten the mood, he decided to strike up a conversation.

Kenta: "What do you like to do in your free time, mik?"

Kim: "I like to dress up, listen to Sonic's voice when he sings, and bake."

Kenta: "Hmm, how about I buy you an MP3 player? You can listen to songs whenever you want."

Kim: "No, it's really okay. But... can you?"

Kenta: "I can, for sure. But do you want one?"

Kim shook his head in a no, looking back at the scenery outside.

Kenta: "Here, have this." He handed Kim his own MP3 player.

Kim: "But it's yours."

Kenta: "I'm giving it to you because I don't really use it. I'm mostly busy, so it would eventually become useless. You can have it."

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