Feel Alive [babexcharlie] Part 8

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 Babe: What are you saying? Are you crazy? Are you in your right mind, Charlie?

Charlie: I am what I am, babe. You're with me. These people, they're all just puppets. We move to what we're told to, and people like me, people like you, we break the process. So they want us to bend down to what they want. I learned this at home, at school, at the office, and everywhere. That I am weak. I am narcissistic just because I am gay. You get it, babe? Do you get it?

Babe: Get yourself up, Charlie. It's not like that. It's not what you think it is. People live well, and people live well, even if they are gay, bisexual, or just human. They live.

Charlie: I can't, babe. I can't. Do you see me? I am poked with holes. I'm not alive. I don't feel alive. People don't seem to be people. Relations don't feel like relations. Nothing feels real. It's a hallucination of happiness. You're stuck in it. [Laughs, laughs, haaahaaa] You get me? It's all just a hallucination.

He has gone crazy.

I think he needs a psychiatrist.

Yeah, I am scared of him.

Babe: Okay, I am here. It's fine. Suddenly, babe hugged the moving and trembling laughing mess of Charlie. All saw him as a knocked-out crazy guy, but not babe. Babe could feel every word that Charlie spoke, the trembling, moving, trying to escape. The strong arms of Babe clenched around Charlie.

Babe: Call the hospital NOW.

As they waited, babe held onto Charlie tightly, trying to provide whatever comfort he could amidst the chaos. The minutes dragged on, but finally, they heard the sound of sirens approaching. Help was on the way.

As the ambulance pulled away, babe felt a mix of fear and hope wash over her. he knew that Charlie was in good hands now 

Babe's mind raced with worry and fear as he waited outside for the doctor to speak. Thoughts of George's arrest weighed heavily on his mind, adding to the already overwhelming stress of Charlie's situation. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing the moment's uncertainty.

In his head, one thought persisted: "If it won't be you, it will be your dad." The words taunted him, stirring up a mix of anxiety and helplessness. He tried to push away the intrusive thoughts, but they clung to him like a shadow, refusing to let go.

Babe's hands trembled as he anxiously awaited any news about Charlie's condition. The minutes stretched into what felt like hours, each second dragging on with agonizing slowness. All he could do was hope and pray for a positive outcome, 

 The doctor stepped out of the room, his expression grave as he approached Babe, who was anxiously waiting for news about Charlie.

Babe's heart pounded as he asked, "How is he? Is he going to be okay?"

The doctor hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Physically, he's been through a lot. His body shows signs of immense stress, and his mind... well, it's under a lot of pressure."

Babe's stomach churned with worry. "What does that mean? Can you help him?"

The doctor sighed, his gaze sympathetic. "It's a delicate situation. I have to be honest with you. The possibility of a mental health facility has crossed my mind."

Babe's eyes widened in alarm. "No, you can't do that. He doesn't belong there. He belongs with me."

The doctor placed a reassuring hand on Babe's shoulder. "I understand your concern, but we have to consider what's best for Charlie's well-being."

Babe shook his head, his voice trembling. "Please, just give him a chance. I'll take care of him. I promise."

The situation hung heavy in the air, but Babe refused to give up hope. "I'll do whatever it takes to help him heal," he insisted to the doctor.

The doctor regarded him with a mixture of concern and respect. "For now, your presence might be the best medicine he can have," he conceded. "Try your best to talk to him, even though it may be difficult."

Babe nodded, determination etched on his face. "I won't give up on him. Thank you, doctor."

Babe watched as the doctor left the room, his mind already racing with plans to help Charlie. But instead of immediately going to his friend's side, Babe made a split-second decision. He knew unanswered questions were lingering in this situation, questions that needed answers.

Turning away from Charlie's room, Babe hurried back to the doctor's office. He needed to find out more, to understand what had led to this crisis. With a sense of urgency, he began searching through the footage from one year back, looking for any clues that could shed light on Charlie's condition.

Meanwhile, Aniya attended to Charlie in Babe's absence. She understood the gravity of the situation and promised to keep a close eye on him. "If anything goes wrong, don't hesitate to call me," Babe reassured before he left.

 Babe sifted through the footage, his stomach churning with each horrifying image that flashed before his eyes. His mind reeled, unable to comprehend the depth of the suffering that Charlie had endured. The scenes played out like a nightmare, leaving him feeling raw and exposed as if the very fabric of his reality was being torn apart.

His eyes burned with unshed tears, reflecting the anguish and despair that consumed him. In that moment, it wasn't just Charlie's pain that he saw—it was his own. It was the pain of a lifetime of unanswered questions, of buried secrets, and shattered illusions.

With each revelation, Babe felt a piece of himself shatter as if the truth was a dagger plunged deep into his heart. He could feel the weight of it all pressing down on him, threatening to suffocate him with its sheer magnitude.

He could see now why Charlie was the way he was, why he carried the burden of his past like a heavy chain around his neck.

But there were still questions left unanswered, mysteries waiting to be unraveled. And as Babe stared into the abyss of his soul, he knew that he couldn't rest until he had found them all. For Charlie's sake


Author Note

"Hey there,

I hope this note finds you well. I just wanted to drop you a quick line to apologize for the delay in the update. Life can be a whirlwind sometimes, but please know that your patience means the world to me.

In the meantime, I've been working diligently to make sure the next update is worth the wait. It's shaping up to be something truly special, and I can't wait to share it with you.

Thank you for your understanding and support. You're the best!

Warm regards,


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