BDSM (Winner x Dean) Part 3

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Dean: I don't care. I said what I said. There won't be no farewell, and it's done. I don't want drinks, I don't want non-smokers, I want no liquors, no strippers, no girls, no vulgar music. A simple farewell or no farewell at all, you understand?

Winner: Dean, I'm telling you, this is a bad choice. Why no liquor? Isn't this a bachelor party? You really hate fun, right, President? Being such a stickler.

Dean: Yes, I am being a stickler because I will be blamed if you get one of those girls pregnant while being drunk. You think I can believe you guys won't mess up the farewell? This is the last impression from us to our teachers, and I care about it.

North: But at least allow girls, it's not that big of a deal, President.

Winner: You're the class president, not the school president. All the others are allowing everything.

Dean: Because they have a reputation that is nowhere to be found, but I do have a reputation to maintain, unlike you. You can't relate to it, Mr. Winner.

Winner: You're making a big deal out of it, Dean.

Dean: I am. What are you going to do about it?

Boun: Enough, Winner. We will talk to the teacher. It's only fueling the fire by talking to him.

Dean: Why talk to the teacher when I am here? And I heard, Boun, you just had a fight with Prem because of your behavior. Want me to call him?

Boun: *coughs* Uh, Winner, let's leave this. Let's agree to what he is saying.

Winner: Try me, Dean. If we can't do what we want, why are crop tops and martinis allowed?

Dean: Because, well... *chuckles* I allowed it.

Winner: You!

Dean: Whatever. Let's go, Sonic. And also, guys, the theme is "Winner's Funeral." Kindly dress up elegantly.

As Dean dusted off Winner's shirt, giving a smirk before leaving.

As they left...

Tay: What are we doing, Winner?

Winner: We will do everything we like. Just you wait, Dean.

Boun: How? But Dean would throw us out of the farewell. It's our last day.

North: When he said it, it's probably true. Let's go. I've got a dress to decide. I want to look good.

Boun: It's about 8 days away, North. Why now?

Tay: He's the fashionista, of course. It'll be a whole mural of clothes before he decides what to wear.

Winner: Just you wait, Dean.

Dean was preparing for the farewell and managing stuff when suddenly he got a call from the class teacher.

Dean: Ma'am, you called me? Anything I can do for you?

Teacher: I heard you're stopping Winner and his friends from doing things they want to do.

Dean: Ma'am, you mean by restricting them from alcohol, smoke, and girls, isn't that a rule, I suppose?

Teacher: Look, my boy, it's a party that's for you all to enjoy, right? It's not something teachers would attend, so you can allow others to do anything they want, okay? It's okay to be a little naughty sometimes, right? Okay?

Dean: But ma'am...

Teacher: No questions. Allow everything that everyone wants, okay, Dean? Be a good boy. Now go, I have a lot to do. Your exams are coming up as well. Now go.

Dean: Ma'am, I...

As Dean left, disappointed, the teacher took a breath of ease, remembering...

Winner: Ma'am, remember I saw you making out with the principal about a month ago? Well, I was not trying to, but I did take many photos. What if I just print and paste them on the school board? Will that be fun? I guess no, RIGHT?

Teacher: May this Winner go to hell!

As Dean came out, he saw Winner standing just beside the door.

Winner: What happened, President? Anything special that the teacher called you for? *He played with his basketball.*

Dean: You did this, right? You bastard, always using the negative things in your favor, that's who you are.

Winner: Good luck with the boring farewell you were going to have because you can't stop us, can you, President, right?

Dean: *holding Winner's collar* Just wait and watch what I do to you at the farewell.

Winner: *laughing* Oh, I am so scared. What is the goodwill and peace-bringing president going to do to me

Dean was furious, pushing Winner back before leaving, leaving Winner with a winning smirk on his face. All of Winner's friends came out as soon as Dean left.

North: What did you do?

Boun: Like for real, you do have those photos  FR or what?

Tay: Yeah, like really DO YOU?

Winner: chuckling I don't, motherfucker. What do you think? I never saw them making out, even. It was a trap because I heard about it. Just enjoy what I got you, so now don't disappoint me.

Tay: Whoa, let's go!

Boun: Prem is going to kill me.

North: Take a chill pill, bro. Why are you scared of that boy?

Tay: He's not scared, he's in love. Ohhh!

North: HAHA, okay, okay, let's go!

On the farewell day...

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