DO or DIE (babe x way x Charlie)part 5

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As Babe entered and saw them like this, he felt a pang of jealousy but kept himself calm. He gently took Charlie from Way's hands and spoke.

Babe: Why did you move? I told you not to. So stubborn, you are.

Way: I was telling him the same thing.

Babe: Hmm, bro, thanks for taking care of him for me.

Charlie: I'm doing fine. No one needs to take care of me. I'm fine without anyone.

Babe: Yeah, of course, you will be fine. You like hurting me, and you know I get hurt when you're in pain, so you decide to be like this, right?

Way: I'll leave you two. Yeah, don't fight, okay?

As Way left the room, Babe and Charlie were left standing close, their emotions swirling in the air.

Charlie: You can go as well. I don't want to see you.

Babe: I know that, and I also know that your worst nightmare is to be here in front of me.

Charlie: Babe, you don't have to act. I know your love is nothing but an act. You just want to pull me in like all the girls at your bar.

Babe suddenly tightened his grip on Charlie's wrist.

Babe: You can question everything, but not my love for you. You can't imagine what love is, you heartless brat.

Charlie: leave my hand babe I am hurting  Oh, now your true face is coming out. Clearly, you weren't given enough attention as a child.

Babe: I am hurting too Charlie I also get hurt  I wasn't given any love But you were, so you should stay happy with that.

Babe gently let Charlie go, then suddenly turned and punched the mirror on the side table. His hand started bleeding, and Charlie flinched.

Babe: This is my punishment for treating you like this. You can call me if you're troubled.

With that, he left, leaving Charlie there in shock, staring at the shattered mirror and the drops of blood on the floor.

As Babe came out, he saw Way working on his laptop. Babe took a beer from the fridge and opened it, drinking to ease his anxiety and anger. Way looked up from his laptop, smiling, but his smile turned to worry when he saw Babe's bleeding fingers.

Way got up from his chair and went to Babe, holding his hand.

Way: Babe, you need to see a psychiatrist. Your anger issues are getting out of hand. Aren't you taking the medicines I prescribed?

Way made Babe sit down and took out the first aid box to tend to his wounds. He bent down to apply an anti-injury covering, taking care of everything.

Babe: Aren't you going to ask anything? Why and what happened?

Way: You must have argued, and you lost control. You couldn't hurt the one in front of you, so you chose to hurt yourself. Am I right?

Babe: Well, kind of. (He winced.) Hiss, ahh, don't...

Way: Bear with me. I'm sorry, just a little more. I'm sorry. (He finished bandaging Babe's hand.) All done. Just don't put it near any water; it might get infected.

Babe: Way...

Way: Hmm?

Babe: Why don't I introduce you to someone? You can't be alone all your life.

Way silently closed the first aid box.

Way: We talked about this, Babe. I can't survive if I lose someone again. It's better if I stay alone. It's good like this.

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