BDSM (Winner x Dean) Part 7

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Sonic: "But North, listen to me first. I love you a lot. I'm not afraid to admit it, even though we keep it hidden. Everyone knows we're dating, even Winner and Dean don't say anything about it."

North: "We're done, Sonic."

Sonic: "Don't say that, North. I can't live without you. Please, North." holding North's hands tightly

North: "I said we're done, Sonic. Don't come for me again."

As North left, Sonic begged for them not to break up.

Sonic: "I didn't do it purposely. I never wanted to. It was never my fault, I swear, North. North!"

Inside the club, Dean confronted Winner.

Dean: "Have you gone crazy? Are you really going to act like this in front of a hundred people? You have no shame or self-reflection, do you?"

Suddenly, Winner pushed Dean back.

Winner: "Fuck your shame and your self-reflection, and your fucking masterpiece of reputation! Only if you value people's feelings over your reputation."

Dean: "Do what the fuck you want to."

Dean then turned to Prem.

Dean: "Let's go, Prem. And you never come for him again. He's not your puppet. Come back whenever you want, cheat whenever you want to stay away from him."

As Dean dragged Prem outside, they noticed Sonic crying.

Dean approached Sonic to ask what happened.

Sonic: "It all ends. He ended it all. We broke up."

Dean: "It's okay, we'll figure this out somehow."

Dean looked at Prem, then hugged Sonic while holding Prem's hand. He was doing his best to keep their friend circle together.

On the other side, New was still in the club, but he had distanced himself from everything.

New: "Why would you need a lover when you've got a cigarette?"

?: "Why would you need a cigarette if you have a lover?"

New turned around and saw Boun.

New: "Oh, hey Boun. What happened? Did I miss something?"

Boun: "No, you didn't. Why are you here?"

New: "Just... I'm here, yeah..."

Boun: "Hey, New, are you in your senses? Why are you acting like this?"

New: "Nothing, I'm fine."

Boun: "But you don't look fine."

New: "Nothing new, Boun. Tell me about you. How are you? We haven't talked in like three years. Everything was so messed up when we left, it is still the same?"

Boun: "Stop talking about me. How are you here?"

New: "Me? I was here to change things, but it seems like some things can never change. How about you? Do you still like Prem, or do you want someone new? Or do you have someone new?"

Boun: "I don't have anyone."

New: "You know, Boun, I can't help but feel  like the universe wants us to reconnect."

Boun: "Is that so, New? And what kind of reconnecting are we talking about?"

New: "Oh, the kind where we just... enjoy each other's company."

Boun: new but aren't you forgetting something?"

New: "What's that, Boun?"

Boun: "The past. We left things behind for a reason.we left to improve 

New: "True, but sometimes, revisiting the past can lead to unexpected pleasures."

Boun: "You have a way with words, New."

New: "I have a way with more than just words, Boun. Care to find out?"

Boun: "You're playing with fire, New."

New: "And aren't you tempted to get burned?"

Boun: "Maybe just a little..."

As their faces drew closer, the ambient lights in the club seemed to dim, casting a soft glow around them. New's eyes gleamed with anticipation, a mischievous sparkle dancing in their depths. Boun's gaze flickered between New's lips and his eyes, the internal struggle evident in his expression.

Just as their lips were about to meet in a fervent kiss, Boun hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. With a gentle yet firm touch, he placed his hands on New's shoulders, gently pushing him back, creating a slight distance between them

Boun took a step back, breaking the intimate connection, his gaze never leaving New's. His expression was a mix of conflicting emotions, caught between the pull of desire and the weight of past decisions.

boun:I can't new not again at least 

As New noticed Prem approaching from behind, a surge of boldness washed over him. Ignoring any inhibitions, he closed the distance between himself and Boun with swift determination. In that electrifying moment, he pressed his lips to Boun's, a silent declaration of desire and defiance.

in new mind 

New: If i can't have what they have, why should they have it 

Prem's arrival didn't go unnoticed, and as he witnessed the unexpected kiss, his heart sank. Without uttering a single word, he turned away, a lone tear glistening in the corner of his eye.

As Boun tried to push him away, New felt the resistance but refused to yield. However, as he caught a glimpse of Prem leaving, something shifted within him. With a resigned expression, he allowed Boun to gently push him away

boun;you can never fucking change neww try to get a fucking life

as boun got up to leave 

new:people get life I get what I want there is a difference 

boun: that's the only reason you can't have tay cause love gives you life and you don't have that 

As Winner drove away from the bar, a whirlwind of emotions churned within him. Anger simmered beneath the surface at the events that transpired, but beneath that anger lay a pang of regret. He couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps he had been too harsh on Dean, yet he also couldn't deny the validity of his own words.

In the depths of his frustration, Winner grappled with the realization that the bonds within their friend group might not have been as strong as he once believed. There was a sense of betrayal lingering in the air, a bitter taste of disappointment at the thought that their camaraderie may have been nothing more than an illusion.


 dean tried to comfort Sonic Sonic;I never wanted it to end like this you know me Dean how I am I would never cheat I would never sniff sniff...

Dean: only if I can spare you all my happiness but sadly I don't have that as aswell

winner: only if I can spare my happiness for all of you  but sadly I don't have that as well

"Often, it's those closest to us who inflict the deepest wounds, more so than any external foe."

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