DO or DIE (babe x way x Charlie)part 3

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As Babe helped Charlie into the car, a heavy silence hung between them, punctuated only by the sound of their footsteps and the faint hum of the city outside. Charlie could sense Babe's anger, simmering just beneath the surface, and it filled him with a sense of unease.

But as Babe helped him settle into the seat, he couldn't bear the silence any longer.

"Are you angry?" Charlie ventured, his voice tentative as he met Babe's gaze.

Babe met Charlie's gaze, their expression a mix of frustration and hurt. They wanted to lash out, to vent their pent-up emotions, but something in Charlie's eyes stopped them. Instead of giving in to their anger, they took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm raging within them.

Just sit carefully," they said, their words a stark reminder of the distance between them.

Charlie nodded silently, understanding that now wasn't the time for apologies. As they drove away from the hospital, the air between them heavy with unspoken words, Charlie couldn't shake the feeling that he had let Babe down once again. 

As they arrived at Babe's home, Charlie couldn't hide his confusion. "Why are we at your house?" he asked, his tone tinged with frustration.

Babe's response was firm, their patience wearing thin. "Because your place is too far away," they explained, their voice leaving no room for argument.

Charlie's eyebrows furrowed in disbelief. "What? But I want to go home," he protested, his frustration mounting.

Babe's expression hardened, a warning glint in their eyes. "This is home now," he  stated firmly. "So don't speak anymore, or else."

Charlie fell silent, taken aback by Babe's sudden assertiveness. He realized that arguing further would only escalate the situation

As Babe helped Charlie inside, the tension between them hung thick in the air, palpable yet unspoken. Charlie couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place,

As Babe settled Charlie onto the couch, they moved with a tenderness that belied the tension between them. Gently, they brushed Charlie's hair back from his forehead, their touch soothing against his skin. With a small sigh.As Babe handed him a glass of water, Charlie took it gratefully,

With a soft sigh, Babe spoke, their voice gentle yet tinged with apprehension. "Try not to move your leg too much," he advised, their words laced with a quiet urgency. "You need to rest and let it heal."

Charlie nodded in understanding, grateful for Babe's guidance. Despite the tension that still lingered between them, he couldn't deny the warmth of their care. Taking a sip of water,

With a soft smile, Charlie met Babe's gaze

As Babe carefully arranged the room to ensure Charlie's comfort,

After a few minutes, Babe returned and gently guided Charlie to bed, tucking him in with a tenderness that took Charlie by surprise. As Babe leaned in to offer their final instructions, Charlie listened attentively, touched by their thoughtfulness.

"Your juice is on the table, and no, it's not orange flavor. I bought lychee, as you like it," Babe said, their voice soft yet firm. "And after waking up, if I'm not here for a while, you should take the medicine. It's right beside you, along with water. Your phone is charging right behind you, and if you're bored, you can read the book I placed beside the bedsheet. Also, you can take the extra pillow to get comfortable. I have the AC on. I'll be here in an hour. DON'T MOVE. I'll just bring food."

Charlie nodded in understanding, overwhelmed by Babe's attention to detail. "Thank you,"

Babe offered a small smile before retreating from the room, leaving Charlie alone with his thoughts. As he settled into bed, surrounded by the comforts provided by Babe, Charlie couldn't help but feel a sense of love a sense of care 

Pitbabe the series [Book 2]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن