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"Lady Johanna was reported to have been abducted when one of Lord Swann's ships sailed through the Stepstones" Ceria Lannister remarked

"what will happen to Lady Johanna?" Alicent asked as she sat down and listened with Rhaenyra

"she is to be sold to a pillow house in the free cities if you believe the rumors" Ceria told teh young queen

"I fear the gods did not make me for hunting may i sit with you your grace, my ladies" Larys Strong said limping over to them

"oh of course Larys Strong the youngest son of our master of laws Lord Lyonel right" Alicent said greeting the man

"yes your grace an honor to meet you" he replied sending her a small smile back

"the honor is mine please sit" she said not really meaning it to the imp nodding to the empty chair

"My Lord Husband says that no King has even been able to tame the Stepstones for long it is an inhospitable place suited for only savages"

"Perhaps the Princess........can give us some insight" Ceria remarked as they saw Marcella walk into the tent wanting to get Aegons blanket

"oh i'm not sure how I have never been to the Stepstones My Lady" Marcella kindly reminded them confused

"you're dear uncle is the great mind behind his war is he not?" the Lannister wife question the Targaryen Princess and heir

"I would not know i've not spoken to daemon in years he has been far to busy fighting" she said tensly the subject of daemon being hard for her

"since you supplanted him as heir" The women corrected the dragon making her glare

"I did not supplant my uncle he made countless mistakes and my father disinherited him and named me his heir my uncle has publicly shown his support to me he rather enjoys the battles not the politics" Marcella corrected in a tone that warned the lady to not piss her off

"he made a mess and the king must put an end to it, send fleets and men clear out the triarchy for good" Joselyn Redwyne replied forgetting who she was talking to

"but the crown is not at war" Rhaenyra told them shaking her head now confused as everyone looked at her "The princess in correct we are not at war" Alicent added confused on what they were talking about so what a few pirates took some land and the prince and seasnake went of to fight for attention that is not a war there just being over dramatic

" the crown is at war your grace princess though your father and husband refuses to admit it we have been dragged into it by your uncle and the Sea Snake" Joselyn said rudely

"and how have you served the realm of late Lady Redwyne by eating cake" Rhaenyra countered making the lady gasp in shock Rhaenyra didn't like how she was talking about her uncle the man loved her or at least that was what her delusional ass thought

"my father is our king and he knows we are at war we are doing everything we can Lady Redwyne now I appreciate your concern but you do not hold a seat on the council as I do and you know barely anything on the matter in stepstones the king and the crown are doing their best but we must put of subject and people before we send them off to war I and my father refuse to allow children and boys to fight for something they dont even understand yet" Marcella said in a queenly tone making all the ladies nod

"I apologize if I angered you princess it was not my intentions I merely heard gossip from my lord husband and others from my house drunk men love to talk their worse us ladies sometimes" the women said petting her lap dog

"all is well but perhaps you may tell your lord husband he should be careful when he sprouts words to you and others saying such things about the king is treason whether that is his intentions or not" she warned the older women who nodded looking down

"wonderful now if you will excuse me I must bring this Prince Aegon" she said lifting up a small blanket before leaving

"forgive me your grace but why is the princess and heir taking care of your son not you or a maid" a women asked the queen who looked embarrassed at the realization she didn't know they were at war

"I am the queen I dont need to waste my time taking of an infant" Alicent spat at the lady making her look judgmentally at her before nodding


"here we go" Marcella said placing the blanket over Aegon who sat in ottos lap "thank you princess" he said rubbing his sleeping grandsons back

"of course" she said smiling at him before he noticed something

"did you make this one" he asked her noticing the detailed embroidery on the blanket it was marvelous many dragons fancy borders

"yes I did the little one quite enjoys it I noticed he enjoyed tracing the embroidery on my dresses as well some of the handmaids so I made this one for to sleep with" she admitted shyly as she sat down pouring her self and him some wine

"I wish to say thank you Princess her grace does not give Prince Aegon the time and attention he deserves" he started trying to find his words

"her grace is ten and eight a new mother and queen I am sure when she gets more comfortable in her role she will step up" Marcella said siding him the glass of wine making him nod in thanks

"I do hope you are right princess" he admitted as the king walked up to them

"sweetheart" Viserys greeted kissing her head making her smile before he sat "father" she greeted "your grace" otto greeted nodding in respect not being able to stand and bow

"so I heard that you went queenly on a few ladies in the tent not to long ago" Viserys said smirking at his daughter who blushed

"of course you have already been told" she said shaking her head laughing

"of course I have and good job Marcella you stood up to them you defended me as your king and the crown as well as daemon you showed your the right heir which is good for the people to see many will doubt you as you are a women but I have no doubt they will accept when the time comes" Viserys said strongly making her nod understanding her father

"Have you heard anything from the stepstones" she asked "or from daemon" she added hesitantly making him nod

"nothing from Daemon but they are struggling but are to prideful to admit it" he responded making her nod before getting up

"Well I am going to go adventure" she said downing her wine "we will be leaving soon" Viserys shouted after her

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