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"it was an unprecedented roundup of criminal's of every ilk. Your brother made a public show of it meting out the summary judgments himself. I'm told they needed a two-horse cart to haul away the resulting dismemberments when it was done" Otto informed Viserys and the council

"gods be good" Viserys muttered shaking his head at what he was hearing

"The Prince can not be allowed to act with this kind of unchecked impunity" Otto went on as the door to the council chambers opened

"brother" Daemon greeted with a grin still in his armor and gold cloak with dry blood and dirt on him

"Daemon" Viserys greeted him back trying to stay calm

"Carry on please you were saying something about my impunity" Daemon said towards Otto as he took a seat at the council table

"you are to explain your doings with the City Watch your new gold cloaks made quiet the impression las nigh did they not"

"did they?" daemon countered smugly as he smirked

"the City Watch is not a sword to be wielded at your whim they're an extension of the crown" another member reminded the rouge prince

"the Watch was enforcing the crowns laws wouldn't you agree Lord Strong" Daemon offered

"My Prince I dont think ........ making a public spectacle of wanton brutality is hardly in lines with our laws" he said as kindly as he could knowing the temper the prince held

"Nobles from every corner of he realm are right now descending upon Kings Landing for the kings Tourney. Do you want them mugged raped murdered" Daemon question as he looked around the council table

"You mightn't know this unless you left the safety of the Red Keep but much of Kings Landing is seen by the smallfolk as lawless and terrifying. Our city should be safe for all its people" Daemon continued before Otto interrupted him

"you took hands, arms, heads, and cocks off of dozens of criminals" Otto said raising his voice glaring at the prince

"yes I did and you know what I took the hands of the bastards that nearly hurt my sweet niece Marcella first Marcella goes to flea bottom at least twice a moon to be honest I could care less for those lord's and ladies her safety means the most" Daemon said shrugging and suddenly all the men on the council were with Daemon

"the prince is right Lord Hand your Grace Princess Marcella was nearly hurt severely last moon even with six guards the small folk deserve to be safe all of the people do" Lord Strong said making otto nod and Viserys as he sighed and thought about what his wife said about Dameon loving and protecting his daughter

"I just hope you dont have to main half of my city to achieve your goal" Viserys said looking at his brother

"time will tell" Daemon replied standing up before looking at the door which opened again "Princess Marcella" the guard announced catching all of their attention

"Marcella my dear what is it" Viserys asked seeing her worried look as she cased the room

"I heard what happened in Flea Bottom and wanted to make sure Daemon was ok" was all she said making him sigh and nod

" I am fine darling" Daemon said winking at her

"we installed Princes Daemon as commander to promote law and order"

"the criminal element should fear the city watch" Lord Coryls reminded them

"Thank you for your support Corlys" Daemon said smiling at the man

"The people should fear repercussion of committing a crime Uncle you must make sure that those you are guilty are punished and those who are innocent are safe" Marcella said making them all agree

"if only the Prince would show the same devotion to his lady wife as he does his work your grace" Otto suggested and Daemon started at him with hatred when he saw his sweet darling frown slightly

"you have not been seen in the Vale or at Runestone for quite some time" he added

"I think my bronze bitch is happier for my absence" Daemon joked before grunting when Marcella hit him in the head

"Lady Rhae is your wife a good and honorable lady of the vale" Otto reminded the prince

"In the Vale men are said to fuck sheep instead of women I can assure you the sheep are prettier" Daemon said confidently

"Dear me you made a vow before the seven to honor your wife in marriage: Otto reminded him

"Well I'd gladly give Lady Rhae to you Lord Hightower if your're in want of a women your own lady wife passed recently did she not" Daemon countered

"you know how my brother makes sport of provoking you must you indulge him" Viserys pondered wanting the pissing match between his hand and brother to end

"My apologies Your Grace" Otto said bitterly

"what's it mean to fuck" Marcella asked making Viserys spit out his wine and cough before glaring at Daemon who winced

"nothing my dear it is something improper no need to worry you little head" Daemon said cupping her cheek as she blushed before she nodded before glaring at him

"apologies to Lord Otto that was low to mention his wife who passed" she demanded making him shake his head

"no he brought up my marriage first" he said making her roll her eyes

"you and your wife never consummated your marriage so it not a true marriage and you both dont like each other so why does it really matter" she countered raising a brow daring him to challenge as everyone watched amused even Otto

they watched as the prince sighed "really" he asked

"yup now" she said as she crossed her arms and began tapping her foot making him make a tsk noise before he turned to face the lord hand who was standing and watching him

"I apologies Lord Hightower for my rude comment on your wife it was bellow me" he said making the older man nod unsure what to say

"now you apologies Lord Hand" she said looking at him daring him to challenge her

"I apologies for mentioning your own wife my Prince" he said before sitting down

"well great father I am going to go get ready for the tourney good day my lords" Marcella said with a bright smile as she gave them a curtsy before leaving the room making them all chuckle

My Darling: Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now