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Today was the day the King would announce who he will take as his new wife the council room was filled with all who were needed the moment Marcella stood by her father not liking the look Lord Coryls held the smugness that radiated off him

"good morrow my lords" Viserys said with a tense smile many understood why the king did not wish to take another wife but needed to as he had a duty to the realm

"i have decided to take a new wife the realm need a new queen I intend to marry" Viserys started to announce Corlys face was smug thinking his blood would be on the throne his daughter The queen

"the Lady Alicent Hightower before springs end" he finished saying watching his daughters reactions as Alicent smiled she would be queen

"this is absurdity My house is Valyrian the greatest power in the realm" Lords Corlys shouted

"and i am your king and your daughter is a child" the king replied to him in a deathly serious voice making the man storm out of the room

"Rhaenyra" he said as she stormed out of the room

"Marcella" he said looking at her as she tensely smiled "Congratulations father Lady Alicent I hope you have a long and wonderful marriage" Marcella said curtsying to them both

"Thank you Princess" Alicent said smiling wide she would be queen her blood would be on the throne or Rhaenyra will be

"excuse me" Alicent said before leaving the room to find her friend which she did in her chambers

"Rhaenyra" Alicent said as she walked into the room

"what do you want Alicent you betray me by marrying my father and take my throne" Rhaenyra shouted at her making Alicent shake her head

"no I am marrying your father and becoming queen where I will be able to defend you ruin Marcella and push for you to be heir I will be your fathers wife he is a man all I need to do is take off my dress and he will do whatever I want" Alicent said smirking making her smile

"and if you have a son" Rhaenyra asked after a moment "then you marry him you wont have to worry about men for a while or if you have a daughter marry her to my son or if you have a son then marry my daughter to her so they can rule together our blood on the throne for centuries Nyra"

"you evil genius" Rhaenyra said before they both laughed hugging each other


"Alicent Hightower" was all Marcella said as walked into her fathers chambers making nod

"I knew you didn't like it" Viserys sighed "I never said that" she said furrowing her brows

"your tone my dear you are my daughter I know all" he said grabbing her hand and pulling her to sit next to her

"I know Alicent and you dont get along well I know she and Rhaenyra have been not the nicest to you and I am sorry for that" he started

"why her you barley know her has she been visiting you again she came to your chambers after mother dies has she came to you after that night" she asked cutting him off

"she has came to me a few times never at night just during the day we speak about histories a common interest we share I will never love her I only love one women like that and that was your mother but I do think I can be at peace and ok in a marriage with her over Laena and the other options I had" he explained making her nod

"I understand father I do I hope you can be happy and I hope for her to bring forth healthy children I just hope that even though you may not share a love with Alicent I hope you will love the children that come from your marriage" she said making him nod he was so proud of his daughter he knew she did not like nor approve of Alicent but was putting those feelings aside and just worried for children that were not even here

"I will Marcella" he told her making her nod before she sighed

"have you heard anything from Daemon" she asked making him shake his head

"not since he took the egg my dear" he told her making her nod "but I did find out he did not take that women Mysaira as his wife I am not sure why but he did not" he admitted making her look at him

"perhaps something happened" was all she said "perhaps" he agreed

"what are those" she asked pointing to the stack of letters on the table

"marriage proposals" he replied

"for whom"

"you my dear" he told her making her raise her brows in shock

"their is what eleven here" she said after counting them making him laugh

"if you think that is a lot I have already denied twenty" he told her making her laugh

" Lord Boremunds Baratheon son and heir, Lord Hobert Hightowers son and heir Second son of Lord Jon Arryn Lord Edym Tully he older than you" she said remembering the man from her coronation

"yes he is and it will be denied do you have any possible suitor in mind someone who will make you happy" he asked making her think

"no not that I can think of" she said shrugging "what about Laenor Velaryon he is your age a kind man on his way to being a wonderful knight and will inherit Drifmark the second most powerful house in the realm"

"this is your way to amend the rift you made by denying Laena as your bride thank you for that by the way she did not wish to marry a fossil" she joked making him playfully glare at her

"and Laenor and I are not suited for eachother I use to have crush on him and I told him and he rejected me not his type and he will need to be at Driftmark when he is the lord of the house and when I sit the throne I will need my husband and consort by my side not hours away over the sea or fighting in some war" she told him making him nod agreeing with her

"I agree you need a husband and consort that will be by your side fight for you but respect you" he said and for some reason all he could think of was that Daemon would do just that

My Darling: Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now