To Rest|8|

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Most of the Castel stood on top of the hill looking over the Pyre which held the Queens body and her babes bodies as the septa spoke

Marcella stood in front of everyone her eyes and nose red from crying and the cold her Dragon Starfyre stood at the top of the hill awaiting her riders command

"there waiting for you me dear" Viserys whispered as he stepped up to his youngest "I cant papa" she whispered making him sigh

"you can my dear they need to rest" Viserys said as Daemon approached them he said nothing only took her hand into his and gave it a light squeezed letting her know he is there for her she took a deep breathe looking to Rhaenyra who just glared at her before looking away she wanted this to be over mother died in the childbed but what was to be expect she was old oh well just burn them and lets move on she thoughts

"Dracarys" Marcella said sternly making her dragon whine feeling her riders pain before she followed the command lighting the pyre on fire giving Queen Aemma and Prince Baelon a Targaryen funeral like the dragons they were

as the bodies burned everyone maid their way back to the castle except Marcella who stayed outside watching her mother and brother become ash her guards Ser Grant and Ser Derek stood further back watching the princess

only when the fire died did Marcella begin to make her way to the castle to see her sister

"Princess Marcella" Ser Harrold announced opening the door to Rhaenyra's chambers making her look up

"what are you doing here" Rhaenyra spat glaring at the younger girl "I wished to check in on you see how you are doing" Marcella spoke softly making her role her eyes

"why because mothers dead or because you were the one to kill her" Rhaenyra asked glaring at her sister whos bows furrowed

"I did not kill mother" Marcella whispered "well you were why didn't you do anything" Rhaenyra asked again

"I did do something while you were parading yourself in front of our uncle and random knights I was by her side until she died then I was by our brothers side I held him as he took his last breath you don't get to blame me for an act by the gods you have done nothing but ignore and be rude to mother and now you care" Marcella shouted her emotions getting the best of her own guards and Rhaenyra's heard everything and agreed with the young princess

"I didn't need to be by mothers side I am the princess I can do whatever I please" Rhaenyra shouted standing up

"no you may have the title of a princess but you know nothing about being one you know nothing of duty or honor you cant use your title for everything I just wished to check in on you but I see you are fine by our mothers death" Marcella said glaring at her before leaving the room

"where to Princess" Ser Derek asked as they walked in union with her "To my Fathers chambers Ser Derek" she answered taking a deep breathe to calm her self as they walked

"very well Princess" Ser Grant said following her as they walked up the stairs meeting the twins Arryk and Erryk

"princess" they both greeted "you have our deepest sympathy's" Ser Arryk said "we are so sorry for your lost" Ser Erryk continued making her send them a heart warming smile

"Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk thank you for your kindness I deeply appreciate it" she said softly making them nod sending her a smile they enjoyed that the princess knew which twin was which she had since she was six and made them stand in front of her for a hour so she could memorize their differences

"is my father in" She asked making them both nod "very well excuse me then" she said wishing to enter so they opened the door drawing the grieving kings attention

"Princess Marcella your Grace" Ser Erryk said as she walked into the room

"oh my sweet girl" Viserys said happy to see her "father" she greeted with a smile as she sat down next to him they sat in silence for a moment before she broke it

"did you choose to save mother or the babe" she asked making him look at her in shock "I have read nearly every book Maeter Mellos has and one of them was about the technique they did on mama" she explained making him nod

"I chose your mother but she had already lost a lost of blood do to the labors and was to weak" Viserys explained making her nod

"and why did you leave Baelon you heard he would not make it and you left him in the arms of a stranger" Marcella asked her voice showing her anger and it broke him heart he couldn't bare the thought of his sweet daughter being angry with him

"when I heard he would not make it I was angry Maester Mellos said he could save your mother but she dies then I found out my son would die and I couldn't be in the room I couldn't bare to loose another child" he explained thinking about the babes he lost through Aemma miscarriages and stillborn babes and the babes they met and then later dies in the cribs

"I understand father" she whispered leaning into his side "whats bothering you" he asked making her look up at him "besides the obvious something else is bothering you" he said making her give a small smile he always knows me best him and mama

"Rhaenyra blamed me for mothers death and made it seem like she didn't care mother dead we had a argument before I came here" She explained making him nod

"well I know people handle grief differently Daemon was angry and mean when we lost Aegon our brother and our parents while I was sad and in pain quite" Viserys explained before the door opened and otto walked in

"Your Grace Princess" he greeted bowing to them both "I am sorry to do this so soon your grace but the council has called a emergency meeting"

"very well" Viserys said sighing as he stood up "you can lay in my bed if you wish Marcella" Viserys said seeing the look in her eye making her smile and giggle before rushing to jump on her fathers bed

making both men smile at the young girl "goodnight papa, Otto" she said getting under the covers "good night sweet heart" "good night princess"

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