Second Sons|18|

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"house Valarian's origins reach back to Old Valyria more ancient ever than house Targaryen according to some texts but unlike the Targaryen's we were now dragon lords for century's my house had to scratch out an existence from the sea with grit and luck, when I ascended the driftwood throne I knew what I wanted so I went out and seized it unlike every other lord in the realm I can say that I built my houses high seat with the strength of my own back I've always thought of you and i as having been made form the same cloth" Lord Corlys said as he sat at a table looking at Daemon

"i wasn't aware you had a king as a brother" Daemon replied he said tossing the letter Marcella sent to him in the fire glaring as his turned to ash he wanted to be their with her but his brother banished him rightfully s he disrespected Aemma and Baelon

"were both men who have had to cut our own way through the world we've been passed over to often" he told the rouge prince

"did you call me to Driftmark to remind me of my low standing lord Corlys or was there some other reason" daemon asked voice showing how bitter he felt

"you've heard of the trouble in the step some" Corlys asked

"mirish prince is feeding Westeros sailors to the crabs" Daemon said nodding his head as he shrugged

" i have been petitioning the king to send my navy into the territory but he denied me" Coryls added

"and it was never my brother's strongest trait" Daemon said looking back at the sea snake

"what isn't" Corlys asked looking confused

"being king"

"Princess Marcella is the only reason the problem at step stones is being thought of I was told by the king to wait until it gets worse but we can not wait"

"the crab feeder is backed by powerful entities within the free cities who wish to see Westeros weekend and the kings failures have allowed him to accumulate strength if those shipping lanes fall my house will be crippled i will not have Driftmark beggared while our king idles himself with feasts and balls and tourneys" Corlys ranted getting angrier as he spoke

"i will speak of my brother as i wish you will not" daemon said sternly

"of course waiting in the stepstones is a chance for you to prove your worth to any who might yet doubt it the other realms second son stamen our worth is not given it must be made"


"you called for me your grace" Marcella said bowing to him and the lords as they all sat tensely which she took notice of immediately

"what it is" she asked making Viserys sigh he couldn't tell his daughter the news and Otto saw that when he looked at Viserys pleading eyes

"Lord Coryls has acted out angry we assume for Lady Laena being passed as the kings new bride princess" Otto started making her nod

"well that was to be expected he will get over it he has Targaryen princess as his wife and the mother of his children he has enough power he only wished for more" she said shrugging

"yes but he acted out by calling Prince Daemon to Driftmark before they sailed to the Stepstones" he told her and her breath caught in her throat

"the stepstones" she muttered

"Daemon has gone off to war Marcella he went with Coryls to fight" Viserys added his heart shattering when he watched her take a deep breathe as her eyes glossed over

"did you give them the order" she asked the emotions she felt showing through her voice

"no they decided to without my command"

"he left with out saying goodbye he went off to war without saying goodbye to me" she whispered looking down

"excuse me" she said rushing out of the room heart heavy by the time she got to her chambers she couldn't breathe trying to gasp for air as she cried he left he didn't say goodbye what if he doesn't come back what if he dies will I ever see him again all these thoughts swarmed her head

she grasped the necklace he gave her as she cried flinching when arms wrapped around her "it is ok sweetheart I know I know" Viserys whispered holding her tightly

"what if he does not come back father what if he dies" she cried out pulling away from him

"he didn't even say goodbye why did he not say goodbye" she yelled in anger

"I am not sure why he didn't say goodbye Marcella but Daemon is impulsive he had a chance to anger me to fight in a war go against me and he took it without thinking how it will affect anyone especially you because that is Daemon and I can not do anything to change that but I know when realizes his action hurt you he will feel sorry" Viserys said grabbing her hands

"I didn't get to say goodbye to mother what if I dont get to say goodbye to Daemon" she cried out showing her real fear breaking his heart even more

"Daemon is a wonderful fighter and he will have Caraxeus my dear he will come back home Marcella you just need to have hope and believe he will win write to him yell at him over written words I am not sure what to say" he admitted making her nod

"I wish to be alone right now please" she asked "very well just call for me and I will come" Viserys assured her leaving her alone to her thoughts and heavy heart


I am not sure how I feel about this chapter how do yall feel

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