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Viserys entered the council chambers looking around "where's Rhaenyra?" the king questioned as he looked around his eldest had a part in the council as a cup bearer

"she was not needed your grace at this dark hour" Otto said shuffling in his chair

"your grace, this is the last thing any of us wish to discuss at this dark hour but I and some of the other lords consider the matter urgent" Otto said looking uncomfortable at what was being said

"what matter" Viserys asked confused what matter could be so urgent

"that of your succession "Otto told him "these recent tragedies have left you without an obvious heir" Viserys shook his head appalled that this is being talked about now as his wife just died a day ago

"the king has an heir, my lord hand" a lord said

"Despite how difficult this time is, Your Grace, I feel it is important the succession be firmly in place for the stability of the realm" otto said shaking his head

"the succession is already set by precedent and by law" lord strong told everyone "shall we say his name" he asked looking around the table

"Daemon Targaryen"

" if Daemon were to remain the uncontested heir it could destabilize the realm" otto argued

"no one here can know what daemon would do were he king but no one can doubt his ambition look what he did with the gold cloaks the city watch is fiercely loyal to him an army of 2,000 strong men an army you gave him Otto"

"I named Daemon Master of Laws because you said he was a tyrant as master of coin you said he was a spendthrift that would beggar the realm putting daemon in command of city watch was your solution" Viserys shouted at him

"A half measure Your Grace the truth is Daemon should be far away from court" otto said

"Daemon is my brother my blood and he ill have his place at my court" Viserys told them sternly

"let him keep his place at court, Your Grace, but if the gods should visit some further tragedy on you either by design or by accident" Mellos began

"Design? what are you saying? that My brother would murder me take my crown" Viserys questions in disbelief

"he lacks the patience to take the throne"

"the gods have yet to make a man who lacks the patience of absolute power Your Grace" Otto said power was a dangerous thing

"Under such circumstances it would not be aberration for the king to name a successor" Mellos told him

"well who else would have a claim?" another lord questioned

"the kings has two children" Otto said

"Rhaenyra? A girl?" Lyonel strong asked shocked "no queen has ever sat the Iron Throne and Princess Rhaenyra is not fit to have more power" he said making all the lords nod their head in agreement

"although it is a bit out their Princess Marcella would eb the best choice to eb heir and one day queen" Otto

"Daemon would be a second maegor or worse he is impulsive and violent it is the duty of this council to protect the king and the realm for him I'm sorry your grace but that is the truth as I see it and I know that other here agree"

"there are others who would have a claim" Lord Coryls said

"Rhaenys was the only child of jaehareys's eldest son she had a strong claim to the throne and she already has a male heir" Coryls reminded them

"just a moment ago you announced your support for daemon !" Viserys yelled annoyed

"So I am suppose to choose between my brother and daughters" Viserys said after a moment of silence

"no your grace with all due respect I dont think anyone on this council supports Rhaenyra claim as our firstborn if you were to name another heir it should be Princess Marcella she understands duty and her position she knows politics and the history's. She would have the complete support of people in the realm they all love her she would do wonderful things if she were to become heir to the Iron throne" Otto explained

"she is a girl and only ten and four Rhaenyra has a larger claim" Lord Jason Lannister said

"Rhaenyra is rude and cruel and impulsive does not understand things in a proper perspective I fear she would be as bad as Daemon" lord Strong

"if we cannot agree on an heir then how can we expect."

"My Wife and my son are dead!! I will not sit here and suffer crows that come to feast on their corpse's" Viserys shouted at them "this meeting is done" he said before leaving the chambers to his own where he saw his daughter fast asleep in his bed with red eyes

he crawled into the bed waking her up "papa is everything ok" she asked quietly as she rubbed her eyes making him smile he was glad she was their he didn't want to be alone

"yes my dear everything is ok" Viserys said letting her cuddle up to him "why was a council meeting called" she asked in a whisper receiving a sigh

"they wished to speak about my succession on who my heir would be" Viserys told her receiving a gasp as she sat up

"but mothers just died Baelon just died you have a successor Daemon how could they be so rude and disrespectful to bring such a thing up mama was just put to rest earlier today" she ranted a tears began to well up in her eyes making his heart break

"I know Marcella I know I put them in their place I have daemon if anything happens to me that is enough for now" Viserys assured his daughter who nodded

"now sleep I will be right here if you need anything" Viserys assured her knowing she most likely would have nightmares after seeing her mother cut open and dead something that he wished she never saw

"ok and I am here if you need anything to" she whispered falling asleep making him chuckle and kiss her head

"I know you always are" Viserys whispered before thinking back to what the men on the council were saying

My Darling: Daemon TargaryenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang