His Chambers|10|

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Alicent walked into her father's office chambers a guard announcing her arrival making him look up form the desk and stand up walk up to his daughter

Alicent looked at him as he pulled her into a hug seeing her solemn look he pulled away holding her at an arms length

"Alicent my How is Rhaenyra" he asked

"She is sad as she has just lost her mother" Alicent answered

"The queen was well - loved by all I found myself thinking of your own mother today" Otto expressed softly cradling her cheek

"the gods take the best first" Alicent replied swallowing hard as she though of her lady mother who recently passed

"How is his Grace" she kindly asked

"very low as of now which is why I sent for you" Otto said walking back to his desk

"I thought you might go to him and offer him some comfort" he suggested shrugging his shoulders

"in his chamber?" she asked lowly "I would know what to say" she said as she began picking at the skin around her fingernails

"Stop that" her father demanded "he will be glad to have a visitor" Otto said after a moment before grabbing a piece of paper ink and a quill and began writing as she watched him knowing what he was asking

"you wish for me to visit the king alone in his chambers why" she asked making him sigh and look at her "the king's wife has died he will be in need of a wife in the next year someone to give him a son" he said making her nod

"and you wish for that person to be me" she concluded making him nod "very well father" she said with a smile making him smile back at her before she turned to leave he stopped her

"you might want to wear one of your mothers dresses" he suggested making her smirk and nod her head she was ecstatic at the idea of becoming queen she didn't need to love the king she just needed to give him babes preferably a son and be a wife


Viserys looks at Aemma's wedding ring the ring she wore on her hand for nearly ten and eight years he sighed in sadness kissing the ring as he thought of his sweet wife

before looking at the doors when they were opened by a guard letting Alicent in "Lady Alicent Your Grace" the guard announced catching his attention

"Lady Alicent" Viserys said confused on why the girl was in his chambers at such a hour "what can I do for you my Lady" he asked setting Aemma's ring into a box with a piece of cloth

"I thought I would come and check on you Your Grace" Alicent said waling further into the room "it is such a tragic time a time where one shouldn't be alone" she continued sending him a light smile making him even more confused

"I brought a book" she said lifting it to his view

"that is very kind thank you" Viserys said looking back down at the box he held Alicent took his silence as means to continue so she sat near him and continued

"It is a favorite of mine I do know how passionate you are for the histories"

"yes I am" Viserys replied still not giving her his full attention until she spoke again

"when my mother died people only ever spoke to me in riddles" She started making him look at her "All I wanted was for someone to say that they were sorry for what happened to me so I am very sorry Your Grace"

he sighed and nodded "I am sorry for your loss as well Alicent I was told your mother was a great lady"

"yes she was a great lady just as Queen Aemma was" Alicent said making him nod and smile

"yes my dear wife was a wonderful women now Lady Alicent it is quite late and although I appreciate your visit I think it is time you leave" Viserys said making her angry she was being dismissed but she held her tonged and nodded

"of course your grace good night" she said as she stood up and curtsied just as the door opened making them both look at it

"Princess Marcella" the guard announced as she walked into the room

"Lady Alicent" she greeted confused on why the girl was in her fathers chambers

"Princess" Alicent greeted back giving a curtsy "I was just leaving your grace" she said bowing to Viserys before taking her leave quickly

"what was she doing here" She asked her father who sighed and shook his head "she just wished to offer me her condolences and some comfort apparently" Viserys said still a little confused on the whole thing


"what it wrong my dear it is late your normally asleep by now" Viserys commented looking at his window seeing how dark it was

"I had a nightmare, about mother" she whispered her voice cracking as she tried not to break down on tears

"oh Marcella come here" he said opening his arms which she ran to them crying "I want mama back daddy" she cried out making him sigh

"I know sweety I know I want the same thing but I know she is at peace now" He whispered "She gets to meet my siblings finally" Marcella whispered making him laugh through his own tears

"yes yes she does" he agreed as she curled into his side

"your mother and I always imagined how are life's would be if your siblings had survived" Viserys commented and she giggled

"well I can promise you that many more pranks on Rhaenyra would of happened" she said making him laugh out loud

"by the way how did you get the bucket of water on the door" Viserys asked remembering the prank she pulled a few weeks back

"oh Ser Derek helped he is quite tall and Rhaenyra was being rude he saw it happened and so he helped me" Marcella replied giggling

"ah I am glad you have had Ser Derek and Ser Caleb by your side it is quite unusual for one to be so close with their sworn guard but you three have a friendship" he said thinking of the two men who have been by her side since they were both ten and five and she was only nine

"yes we do have a great friendship and now Ser Grant the newer knight you added to my service for when I go to Flea bottom"

"Never change Marcella please keep being your kind self" he asked looking down at her "i will" she promised

"read to me" she requested making him nod "choose a book" he told her

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