Chapter 42

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Within the next week you woke up feeling less full because you were no longer having the nocturnal feed. That felt great. However, since you were eating a 100% of your meal plan, every night after dinner you felt like you were going to explode. Nevertheless, you wanted the feeding tube out as soon as possible, so you kept on eating everything, even if it was painful, harsh or difficult. Yet, you were secretly exercising at night: you were doing tons of sit-ups, scissors, moved your legs compulsively and even did a few jumping jacks while hiding in the bathroom. When Monday came and it was time for the conventional weight in, you made sure of secretly getting into the bathroom to drink some water from the tap, just to make your weight go up a little more. When you stood onto the scales, it showed a weight gain of 2.5 lbs. That meant that you had gained a total of 7.7 lbs., that was 3.7 lbs. since you got to hospital, because during the first days (before the NG tube was inserted) you had lost 4 lbs. You knew it was probably a bit less since you water loaded, but still felt like it was too much.

When your mom and Taylor came and spoke with Dr. Khan, the doctor told them she was confused, since she was expecting for your heart to have gotten better since you were eating everything you were supposed to, but it didn't. Still, she said that your heart was officially out of the major danger and risk zone. But didn't mention anything about removing the NG tube, so you just figured that because of your heart not improving that much, they were not removing the tube yet.

- "Elizabeth, your heart is definitely not working as a healthy heart would normally would, but it has undeniably improved since you got here. During the day it is beating at 43-44 beats per minute, and 40-41 at night. Also, I have some great news for you" Dr. Khan said.

- "Does that mean I can start doing schoolwork?" You said excited, falling behind at school was killing you.

- "I wouldn't recommend it yet. You should just focus on your recovery for now, Elizabeth" the doctor responded. Taylor rubbed your shoulder when she saw how evident it was that you were unpleased by Dr. Khan's answer.

- "I want to do something different than lying here all day, move around in a wheelchair and do hand-craft stuff. What is the great news then?" you begged the doctor.

- "I could take the tube away today if it's okay with you...."

- "Yeah! Please please. Why didn't you suggest it sooner?" You said and all the three women laughed at your reaction.

- "I can do it, but you have to keep eating 100% of what is given to you. If you refuse a single thing, we will just put it back again" Dr. Khan claimed in a serious tone. You nodded repeatedly and the doctor chuckled and then continued: - "Also, if you manage to do that and your weight goes up at least 2.3 lbs. we could discharge you next Monday, refer you to the specialized clinic we've talked about before"

- "Can't I go home?" You asked knowing that it was worth a shot to ask.

- "Absolutely not. You still have a lot of weight to gain, and you need to receive therapy, Elizabeth" the doctor said.

- "Why can't I go home and continue at the outpatient treatment program I was attending before coming here?" You suggested.

- "I wouldn't recommend that either... I think that you're at a point where inpatient treatment is still needed. You still need constant monitoring by specialized professionals" Dr. Khan said with a firm voice.

- "Maybe you could go back to the outpatient treatment center after going to the specialized clinic, darling. Dr. Khan has said that you will need lots of support for a while" Andrea stepped in.

- "That could be a great idea. Make sure to discuss it with the specialized clinic's team" Dr. Khan replied.

- "I haven't consent going there yet!" You snapped angry.

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