Chapter 36 (part 1)

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A few days went by, and Dr. Khan asked Andrea to chat privately in her office after the visiting hours were over. Andrea accepted and after saying goodbye to you, she quickly went looking for Dr. Khan's office. She knocked and waited for the Dr. to open the door. She did, greeted her and invited her to sit.

- "Mrs. Swift, I'm really worried about Elizabeth. Her weight is not increasing as much as we'd like, probably because she's been relying only on the NG tube. But she's also really depressed. I'm aware that she was at a recovery treatment center at an outpatient program before, but we'd like to get her a bit healthier physically, get her heart and other organs out of the woods and then, refer her to a specialized eating disorder clinic for an inpatient treatment. Recovery does not only imply gaining weight, but lots of therapy as well."

- "I agree, Dr. Khan. I'm worried too about her depression. She's getting the nutrients that prevent her from dying through the NG tube, but she has no will try to eat or recover. She has no will to live" Andrea said crying.

- "I wanted to try to talk to her, but I wanted to ask for your consent to do it first. You're right, the NG tube is keeping her alive, but she has no will to live. I'd like to make a plan for her recovery with her, maybe negotiate some terms, not food, or calories. But maybe negotiate which foods she doesn't want to eat because she doesn't like them. Maybe negotiate the conditions that will allow her to go outside. I would like to include her more in her recovery, make her feel in control. That might help to get her better physically and then she can continue the weight gain and therapy at the specialized clinic" the Dr. suggested.

- "You have my permission to talk to her and design a treatment plan with her. I just want her to get better. It's been so hard lately" Andrea said wiping her tears away.

- "I wanted to ask you about Elizabeth's sister, I haven't seen her much lately, not at all these past few days. She's really good at supporting Elizabeth. I think that a visit from Taylor could really cheer up Elizabeth" Dr. Khan said.

- "It's been hard for Taylor too. She had been saying she was busy with work stuff and that was why she wasn't coming here so often. But then she told me that Elizabeth's eating disorder was triggering hers too. So, she needed a bit of time and help to get back on the wagon herself, feel stronger to support Elizabeth. I can't blame her, it must be hard for her, but there's also this part of me that feels so overwhelmed. I don't understand Elizabeth like Taylor does" Andrea answered sobbing.

- "Hmm. I'm sorry to hear that. It must be really hard for Taylor."

- "Yeah, but she said she's been working on herself and that she will be back very soon. I'm looking forward to that."

- "It must be hard for you too, Mrs. Swift. No mother would like to see her children suffering like this" Dr. Khan said as she handled some tissues to Andrea. Then she continued - "It's okay to break down sometimes, Mrs. Swift. You don't have to do everything on your own all the time."

- "Thank you so much, Dr. Khan. I really appreciate your concern for Lizzie and our family. Thank you for letting me cry in here too" Andrea said.

- "No need. My doors are always open, Mrs. Swift."

Andrea calmed down and went home.

The next morning Dr. Khan came into your room after the nurse brought you your breakfast. She sat by your side while you colored and said she wanted to talk with you. You closed your coloring book and turned to talk to the doctor.

- "How are you doing, Elizabeth?" She asked.

- "I'm fine. What about you?" You replied.

- "I'm fine too. Thanks for asking. But really, I want to know how are you feeling? You've been here for more than a month now and a while ago you were eating a bit on your own. Remember?" Dr. Khan said.

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