Chapter 36 (part 2)

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- "Come on Tay, we need to get going" Tree said sitting on Taylor's bed while Tay was in her bathroom.

- "I'm going" Taylor said, but in reality, she was sitting on the toilet. After a couple of minutes, she finally came out picking at her nails and biting her lower lip.

- "I know that you are nervous, Tay. But it will be okay. We've done this multiple times already" Tree said taking one of Taylor's hands into hers.

- "Just promise not to tell anyone about this slip, okay?" Taylor said while grabbing her bag.

- "I won't tell anyone, for now. I believe we can take care of this on our own for now" Tree said but immediately added: "On our own but WITH the help of your doctor and a therapist. Have you booked the appointment with the therapist yet?"

- "Yeah, I did, it was yesterday" Taylor told her. "It was okay. I was able to speak up all my feelings and my thoughts. It was helpful, the therapist gave me some tips to keep myself safe and support Lizzie. I will be going once every two weeks. I just don't want to do the doctor thing."

- "It will be okay. I'm glad to know that you were able to talk about this with your therapist, I'm glad that you'll be attending therapy more regularly. Let's do the doctor thing, see how everything is doing" Tree insisted.

Taylor hopped into her car in the passenger's seat and Tree dove her to the doctor. When they pulled up, Tree turned to her and said.

- "It will be fine. Come on, you're the strongest person I know. I'll be there the whole time."

They both walked inside the doctor's office, checked in the front desk and Taylor was called quickly into the exam room.

- "I'll be here, waiting for you. I just needed to make sure that you wouldn't bail on the appointment" Tree said chuckling.

Taylor smiled softly and walked towards the exam room's door, then turned around to Tree who was in her phone seating in the waiting room.

- "Actually, would you come in with me?" Taylor asked nervously.

- "Of course," Tree smiled, stood up and went to Taylor.

The doctor greeted them both and the blonde and the redhead sat to chat with him.

- "So, is something wrong? Or is this just a regular and normal checkup?" The doctor asked.

- "A regular checkup" Taylor replied and looked at Tree, who rolled her eyes and made Taylor understand she needed to be honest.

- "I've kind of been having a slip into old habits. Nothing to worry about, but my little sister is battling with anorexia. She's currently hospitalized and it's been rough. I guess I just got a bit triggered. I'm going to therapy regularly, but Tree wanted me to book this appointment to make sure that I'm healthy" she said and glanced annoyed at Tree.

- "I just want to make sure that you're okay" Tree said.

- "You did the right thing by coming here" the doctor said looking at Taylor. "And you did the right thing by pushing her" he said looking at Tree. Taylor rolled her eyes at Tree. Then he continued - "Alright, so, let's examine you. Come over here" he said guiding Taylor to the gurney at the back of the room.

He started by doing a reflexes test on Taylor, considering the dizziness that they mentioned. He said that her reflexes were okay. Then he continued to check her pulse, blood pressure and saturation, which he said that were also good. He listened to Taylor's heart and lungs and concluded they were fine too. He looked at Taylor's ears and then said.

- "Alright, now I'll have a look at your throat, and we will finish by weighting you."

Taylor gulped and stayed still.

- "Open your mouth and say "AH" the doctor instructed. Taylor did and the doctor said that her throat looked fine.

The guided Taylor to the scales. She took a deep breath and stood on top of the scales.

- "Okay, you have lost weight, comparing it to the last record I was looking at just a while ago. You're at a healthy weight, but we all know that weight loss can be addicting for you" the doctor said but was quickly interrupted by Taylor:

- "Yeah. I know. This won't keep happening. I promise. I'll reduce exercise."

- "Great. But you also need to be eating 3 meals and 2 snacks a day to stay healthy. Okay? You must include all the macronutrients, Taylor" the doctor said.

- "I'll keep an eye on that" Tree said, and Taylor rolled her eyes at her.

- "Alright, that's everything for today. You are healthy Taylor, but we'd like to keep you that way. Let's schedule a follow up appointment in a month, okay?" the doctor said, as Taylor nodded prepared to leave.

Taylor and Tree thanked the doctor and went to the car. Once they were in their seats, Tree turned to Taylor, who was in the passenger seat, and said:

- "Okay. It wasn't that bad, was it?"

- "No, it wasn't" Taylor answered waiting for Tree to start driving

- "I know that you know how to take care of yourself. But I also know that you want to support Lizzie and your mom, but in order to be able to support them, you need to take care of yourself first."

- "You're right Tree. Thank you for being here, for everything" Taylor said.

- "Always, Taylor. I'll be here to drag you to next month's appointment too" Tree said laughing and starting the car.

Hey! I wanted to also write a chapter about Taylor's slip, so here it is. In my head, both chapters take place simultaneously on the same day hahaha. I've been really busy with the end of the semester, that's why I haven't been updating as much as before, but don't worry, I think of this story all the time and I write daily. Thanks again for the support! xoxox

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