Chapter 41

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The next day Taylor kept her promise and let Andrea make breakfast, without controlling the food or how Andrea was preparing it. However, she was incredibly anxious and called Tree to distract herself: it worked, they scheduled some writing sessions for the couple of next weeks. They had breakfast and got ready to go to the hospital to visit you, they were changing your NG tube today, you needed them with you. At 10 am, Dr. Khan showed with the new tube, but you pleaded to wait for your family. About half an hour later Taylor and Andrea came through the door:

- "Hi darling. Sorry, there was so much traffic" your mom said walking over and hugging you.

- "Hi! It's fine. Dr. Khan was kind enough to wait for you to do the tube change" you replied hugging back your mom and extending your arms to hug Taylor.

Anxiety was taking over you and both your mom and your sister could notice. You were pinching your skin vehemently and wiggling your legs frantically. Your mom placed delicately her hand in one of your knees to hold it still. Taylor grabbed your hands to take them away from your collarbones, since you were pinching them fiercely. You were panicking about the tube switch; you hated every second of the tube placement the last time. Besides, you knew that once you had it out, it would be hard to let go that small taste of freedom of not having the tube for a couple of minutes.

Dr. Khan came again with the equipment to see if your family was already here, when she saw they were, she greeted both your mom and Taylor and prepared everything to get started.

- "Okay, first of all I will start pulling the current tube. I'll be very slow and gentle; we don't want to hurt your throat or the inside of your nose. Then we will place the new tube, it will be pretty much like last time, I'll tell you when to swallow and drink some water to help it go down easily. Alright?"

- "Got it. We won't need anyone holding my body. I'll promise I'll behave" you said giggling.

They all chuckled and the doctor approached, then she took off the tape that was holding the NG tube to your cheek and started pulling it. At first you felt tickles, but as it came closer to your throat you wanted to cough so badly. Once it hit your tonsils you started gagging. Taylor quickly grabbed the bucket the doctor brought and put it in front of you just in case. Even though Dr. Khan tried to be faster after you started to gag, you ended up throwing up before she was done pulling out the tube out of your nostril. Your mom rubbed your back while Taylor held your hair back, when you were done, the doctor finished pulling the tube out.

- "I'm sorry. It couldn't help it" you said ashamed and exhausted.

- "It's okay. You'll need to eat breakfast again, though" the doctor said.

- "What?! No! That's not fair. I ate everything" you protested.

- "I know, but you just threw up everything. Let's do the tube first, okay?" the doctor said.

-Ugh" you said with tears in your eyes.

You held Taylor's right hand and your mom's left hand with each of your hands, preparing for the worst. Dr. Khan approached with the tube and inserted it through the opposite nostril that had the last tube. You flinched as soon as it started going in but instead of fighting or pushing the doctor back, you just squeezed tightly your mom's and Taylor's hand. The doctor ordered you to swallow and when it had passed your throat, asked you to drink water with a straw. You followed the orders, and the doctor quickly said it was ready, then she secured it with some tape.

- "Okay, we're done. I'll ask the nurse to bring another breakfast and your morning snack" Dr. Khan said and walked away.

You held your head with both of your hands feeling defeated.

Castles crumbling (Taylor Swift's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now