14 - Perspective

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Tw : Suicide mention, Sensitive Language


Seokjin was on his usual corner seat, face buried in his arms.

Everyone was talking about one person - Hyunchul, his death anniversary was in a few days. Even the lecture hall was low spirited and melancholic.

Hyunchul was the priest's son who ended up jumping from the church and killing himself. He slit his neck with the cross sign before jumping off, his diary filled with his repeated sorry notes.

Taehyung had been in the town for about two months, so he wasn't aware about anything.

Seokjin rubbed his eyes while sitting straight, eyes fluttering prettily. Taehyung stood there, unknowingly staring, no, gawking at him. He couldn't understand what even happened to his brain whenever he saw Seokjin, his brain simply stopped working and heart started racing like crazy.

"Good Morning."

Seokjin said smiling at him causing Taehyung to blush.

"I-I brought everything you asked to. The stitching needle-"

"Knitting and stitching are different."

Taehyung wanted to slap himself out of embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry."

He sounded genuine. Seokjin smiled. He was the first guy who actually paid a little interest to Seokjin, the first person who didn't shame him for picking needles over baseball and bats, everyone around was so harsh. Hobbies were somehow made for a certain set of people in their minds.

"You're trying. T-that's a big thing."


"...And you guys need to submit it after three weeks, which is enough for you to not only just complete the project but re-evaluate it thoroughly and submit. Remember, it's about your grades.

I've made a list and assigned each of you a partner, this list isn't made just randomly but has been made after seeing your previous grades, your behaviour and pattern analysis. I've teamed you up with someone whose interests are clearly unalike and dissimilar to you. And now, this is a good project about teamwork!"

The professor dismissed the class as the students hurriedly checked their phones.

"The Fuck!"

Yongsun exclaimed seeing the list. She opened a page showing it to Jungkook, he scoffed. Taehyung saw the look on Jungkook's face, it was concern and disgust.

"We'll talk to the professor!"

Taehyung wanted to know what the fuss was about. Seokjin was busy scribbling on the sides of his register. Taehyung took his phone out, he opening the list searching for his name. His lips formed a smile as he spoke up excitedly,

"We're together Seokjin!"

The class went silent. Jungkook stared at him, impassive and straight faced. He simply walked out of the hall. Jimin sighed in disappointed, he could've prevented this.


"Jimin, the fuck even is my mistake?"

Taehyung was exasperated, what even was the resentful reaction for? Because he just talked about being in the same team with Seokjin? Why was even Jungkook so worked up?

"Why don't you simply listen to us? Just fucking don't talk to him, it's as easy as that."

"Why? Give me a fucking reason ?"

"Why don't you get it Taehyung? Just how stupid can you be? Can't you do it for Jungkook, he doesn't like the guy. Why are you so eager to talk to him?"

Taehyung was ridiculed by their behaviour. Since when were his friends so petty? Jungkook and Jimin were the nicest people he knew, were.

"Yeah I can't because I am not a docile, obedient bitch like you who follows whatever that rabid dog does! You're both acting weird. The friends I made weren't this hostile."

Jimin had no words to say. He simply stared at Taehyung, who was so worked-up defending who?

Kim Seokjin?

He was the scourge of everyone's problems. His family considered him to be a misfortune, the head priest called him a "disease". That was how he lived, listening to everyone talk all day about  how he was born in the wrong body, or how his soul was of a woman's.

"Then choose one, The rabid dog or the tainted fagg*t."

Jungkook appeared, leaning against the wall with an eerie smile.

Taehyung's eyes widened, mouth wide agape. He wasn't even sure if he was talking to Jungkook, the guy whom he considered was his brother, someone he could rely on, someone he could trust. This wasn't the Jungkook he befriended.

"Wasn't aware you even used slurs? Great going Jungkook. Didn't knew you'd label people however you want just because they had some hobbies. Your gym buddies have corrupted your mind."

"No. That's simply who he is."

"Don't be fucking ridiculous! Knitting is a skill, just like sports. You're judging him on that? Ridiculous."

"Jimin tell him to be prepared. I won't go easy on the basketball match."

Jungkook exited the room as he saw Seokjin with watery eyes. He simply left not sparing a glance.

"I should've known this would happen."

Jimin groaned in frustration as he went to chase Jungkook. Everything was messed up, because of him.


He yelled as the latter walked into the basketball court.



"Are you fine, son?"

Mrs.Jeon asked patting Jungkook's head as he nodded, fixing his black suit. His eyes were lackluster and dreary. It was the day, Hyunchul's memorial. 

"Let's go honey."


short chapter bc the next ones are gonna be long asf.

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