11 - Embroidery

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Important: New Taejin Arranged Marriage fic published - check it out ✓

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"You're late motherfucker!"

Jungkook yelled at Taehyung. He was the last one to arrive. He took his jacket and sweatpants off, walking towards his friend, Hyejin was clearly blushing and Yongsun couldn't stop smiling. 

"Sorry, I was- nevermind I'm here anyways."

He gave a high five to Jungkook and Jimin as Jungkook shifted to make a seat for him, next to Hyejin, he could see Taehyung's little smile when he stared at Hyejin and chuckled at it.

"Drink up if you're a real man."

Now that was a real deal. Taehyung gulped it down in no time as Yongsun and HyeJin clapped for him for whatever reason.

"You're so cool Taehyung-ah!"

Yongsun commented as Taehyung nodded.

"Why don't you attend late night parties HyeJin? You only came because of Taehyung right?"

HyeJin's eyes widened, she tried hard to deny it but her her cheeks blushing was way too obvious to not notice.

"My parents usually don't allow. They're out of town right now."

HyeJin was filthy rich, everyone knew about it. Yet, she was humble and down to earth, always treated everyone respectfully and has a quite charming and likeable personality.

"Must be good having no sibling. Mine are just- don't even ask!"

HyeJin chuckled at Yongsun's words.

Even the way she laughed was so graceful.

She unzipped her jacket keeping it aside, she was in her yellow bikini top and mesh shirt which beautifully highlighted her body, the perfect snatched waist, silky hair, a curvy body, just what the guys liked. 

"Taehyung-ah why are your ears so red?"

Yongsun asked making Taehyung clearly embarrassed. That followed a playful argument with Taehyung being hyper and proving Yong sun's 'claims' wrong. 

Jungkook suggested a game, which involved drinking as a punishment. After many interesting rounds of the game, Taehyung was drunk. Clearly drunk. Hyejin was in the pool.

"For the last round, you..."

Jungkook took a pause, thinking for something much more interesting, an idea popped in his head. He gave Taehyung shoulder a nudge, pushing his slightly causing him to fall in the pool. Taehyung's hands were over HyeJin's shoulder, her hands surrounding his waist.

"You both kiss."

Hyejin was a bit taken back, her friends chanting  kiss in the background. Taehyung pressed her shoulders tightly, then smiled and spoke up,

"F-Funny how you look like a lost puppy even though you have a pet kitten. Get off my mwind pwea-se."

He said and passed out on her shoulder. She could very well make out of all what he said. But she didn't own a pet to start the discussion.

Who was even on his mind while he was that high?"



Jungkook said annoyedly nudging Taehyung's shoulder who rolled his eyes. He had a hangover soup for breakfast, yet he did look a bit wasted and clearly irritated.

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