Chapter 27

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In the Bridgerton drawing room, Anthony found solace in the melancholic melody that flowed from Francesca's fingers on the piano. Amidst the spirited banter of his brothers, Benedict and Colin, his mind sought refuge in the haunting notes that filled the air.

Suddenly, the tranquil atmosphere was shattered by the arrival of the youngest Bridgertons, brandishing Lady Whistledown's latest pamphlet. Anthony's heart quickened at the mention of Evienne's name, anticipating news of a new proposal. Yet, as his siblings read aloud the startling revelation that she had declined the offer, disbelief washed over him like a tidal wave.

"I must go," Anthony declared, his voice breaking the heavy silence that had descended upon the room. With determined strides, he made his exit, leaving his siblings to ponder the implications of Evienne's unexpected decision.

In the carriage, Anthony's thoughts raced faster than the pounding hooves of the horses. Why had Evienne turned down such a promising match, especially when it seemed to align with her aspirations for her debut season? The questions tormented him, driving him forward with a sense of urgency he could not ignore.

As the carriage screeched to a halt outside Evienne's London estate, Anthony wasted no time, bounding up the steps and bursting through the door with a fervour that left him breathless.

"Anthony, what in the world—" Evienne began, her voice laced with surprise as she stepped forward, her hand reaching out to touch his face, concern etched in her features.

But Anthony, his chest heaving with exertion, met her gaze with an intensity that silenced her words. With a steadying breath, Anthony took hold of Evienne's hand, his touch silencing her

Anthony Bridgerton found himself standing before Evienne, his heart laid bare between their hands.

"Evienne," he began, his voice tinged with a vulnerability he had long kept hidden. "My words that have lingered unspoken, words that I can no longer keep locked away."

As he spoke, memories of their shared past danced through his mind, moments of laughter and mischief that now seemed distant yet achingly familiar. And with each recollection came a pang of remorse for the pain he had caused, the childish and thoughtless actions that had kept them apart for far too long.

"I must apologize," Anthony continued, his gaze earnest as he met Evienne's eyes. "For the mistakes of my youth, for the hurt I have caused you. I was too consumed by pride and foolishness"

"But now," he paused, his voice filled with a newfound resolve, "now I stand before you with a clarity of purpose that I have never known. For in you, Evienne, I have found not only a friend, but a soul whose presence fills the emptiness within me"

"In your eyes," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath, "I find love, an all consuming love"

With trembling hands, Anthony reached out to cup Evienne's face, his touch gentle yet filled with a longing that persevered. "I love you, Evienne," he confessed, his words a prayer.

And in that moment Evienne confirmed her truest desires that hid so deep down she didn't think they existed, as she pulled into him, "I love you too, Anthony". And the two shared a kiss, that felt as though it healed every wound that resided in Evienne's heart.

A soul. Searching ~ oc x Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now