Chapter 10

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As the golden hues of the setting sun draped over the Beaumont estate, casting long shadows across the ornate garden, a young Evienne Beaumont found solace on her soft blanket that was perched on the manicured field. She often found peace within the rustling of the leaves and the birds sing song, retreating to the sanctuary of her favourite spot beneath the tall willow tree that stood at the edge of the property.

On this particular afternoon, her younger sister, Anastasia, lay with her. The two young girls laughter echoing through the air as they played a game of tag among the flower beds. Anastasia's, bright eyes and infectious smile, was the light of this world. They were inseparable, sharing secrets and dreams beneath the whispering leaves of the willow tree.

As the day waned and the stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky, the sisters lay side by side on the blanket spread out on the grass, their giggles subsiding into contented sighs. Wrapped in the warmth of sisterly love, they gazed up at the heavens, tracing imaginary constellations with their fingertips.

"Oh how I wish to dance in the skies with the stars by my side" Anastasia professed, as Evienne responded with a giggle, "well however will I reach you up there". The two sisters lay facing each other as the stars blanketed them, "well you'll be dancing with the flowers of course, the stars and flowers are sisters, one on the ground" "the other in the skies" the two girls held each others hands as their parents called them inside. 

A soul. Searching ~ oc x Anthony BridgetonWhere stories live. Discover now