Chapter 7

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Though the Miss Daphne Bridgerton was awarded the most coveted title of the season, a new jewel, whose allure and charm surpasses even the most dazzling of diamonds, has arrived on the foot of the Queens most gracious palace. The long awaited Duchess has made her return to London, becoming the object of fascination amongst the ton, her every move watched, hanging in the air like a precious gem waiting to be plucked.

It is no wonder the newly Duchess, finds herself surrounded by a veritable sea of suitors, each vying for the chance to win her hand. Though all eyes are on Miss Evienne Beaumont, her true feelings remain a mystery. This author wonders will she be blessed by the allure of a love match or will she follow the path of duty.

Only time will tell, dear readers, but one thing is certain: as long as Duchess Evienne Beaumont remains the emerald of the season, I, Lady Whistledown will be here to uncover every detail.

Yours truly,
Lady Whistledown

The Duchess was practically overwhelmed by suitors, spending all morning sitting in the drawing room of the London home, the Queen by her side; ensuring only the best for her god daughter. As suitor, after suitor presented themselves. Telling tales of their accomplishments and skills, though rather boring to the young miss, she continued her brave face, she intended only for the very best of matches.

"The Duchess will be seeing no more suitors today", her lady announced to the ever growing bustling crowd of men. Unbeknownst to the Viscount Bridgerton, who was accompanied by his younger siblings, Benedict, Gregory and Hyacinth, walking down the street on their way back home, was half of Londons male population outside the Duchesses quarters.

"What is all this commotion for" Anthony spoke up as they tried their way through the dispersing crowd, "I do believe that is the residency of the newly duchess, Evienne" Benedict responded with his usual charming grin, "how far she has come, brother", "yes, indeed" Anthony replied with a hint of something less than happy in his tone. "Oh how I wish to be like her, I just remember the words of Whistledown's admiration" Hyacinth cooed as she twirled past her brothers, "I too hope I can be just as pretty and gem like as her" she continued as Gregory chased after her and the two began to play fight. "She surely has got half the men of London following her round like a lost puppy" Anthony snorted, "yes she has brother, jealous you don't posses such a skill yourself" Benedict toyed with him, as he huffed and the two caught up with their younger siblings.

A worn out Evienne sat in the office as she went through her late father's things, sitting on his desk as Charlotte entered. "So this is where you escaped to my dear", she exclaimed sitting beside her "yes, well it can get rather overwhelming, all the competitions and persistent empty flattery".

Evienne stared up at the paining on the wall of her mother, her beauty was like no other, how it persisted through delicate brush strokes and vibrant colours of paint. "What was she like", she looked to the queen. "She was everything, she could light up an entire ball room with her kind eyes and warm smile. She saw beauty in every little thing, no matter how dark it may of seemed. Evangeline was joy, she was sunshine and kindness that knew no bounds."

Evienne loved the way Charlotte talked about her mother, even though Evienne only knew her mother for a small fraction of her life, it was as if Charlottes words brought her mother to life, that she might be here with them.

Hearing her now it was as if she finally understood this feeling, this great emptiness and sadness that is only felt by the loss of someone dear. "How do you do it, cope without her", "oh my dear, I miss her every single day, no matter how long it has been. I often find solace in the memories we shared, those moments small, still persevering in my mind."

"But how is it that you do not wear this sadness everywhere you go, that you do not let it consume you". Evienne craved for a solution to her grief, how she could to be like Charlotte, continuing her duty but being able to speak of her mother without crumbling.

"You my dear, you are every bit your mother's child, you have her spirit. When I look at you, I see her reflection in your face and I know that her spirit persists through you, and I am reminded of my duty to you."

"Yes but I do not know how to do that, I have lost my closest friend, my sister, and I fear not that she is gone, but the fear that one day all the love that I hold for her in my heart will fade, and with time disperse. That I might, not forget about her, but instead this love will no longer exist as it is no longer has a place in this world. I know my duty, but it still hurts".

"My child, this pain you hold will lessen with time, but you will never forget her, as you will never forget your mother or father. I will ensure of it, that their memory shall never be burnt out".

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