Love Reunited- Poison Ivy (Arkham Series)

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As requested by Axis-8!

Y/N ran as fast as she could through the hallways filled with lunatics that had just been released. She didn't know what happened. One moment, she had been in her cell, afraid that the whole of Arkham was on lockdown because of the Joker and whatever his newest twisted scheme was. The next, the doors were suddenly opened to all the cells.

At first, she thought it was a trick. She knew Batman was flitting around the island, trying desperately to stop whatever was happening. She thought she was going even crazier than she already was when she heard him in the walls and ceilings. But when Y/N stepped out of her cell along with the others and nothing happened... she knew she was finally free.

Now all Y/N had to do was get off the godforsaken island... but she wouldn't, not without her girlfriend, the one and only Poison Ivy.

She rushed to the Green Mile, where she knew Pamela was being held, but when she got there, she saw that Ivy's cell had been unlocked, but she was nowhere to be seen. The faint scent of her pheromones still lingered, and Y/N breathed them in, the scent bringing a sense of warmth through her body.

But the moment was ruined when a screaming lunatic ran past her, screaming nonsense. She sneered. Navigating the Island was going to be hard enough without them and Batman running around.

Slowly, Y/N crept around the Penitentiary, wishing she had her guns. But they were in evidence lockup, in a completely different part of the island, and it would take too much time to bother getting them. She needed new ones anyway.

When Y/N finally got to the door, she peeked her head out tentatively. Gunshots could be heard from Joker's men getting bored and sniping random lunatics. She'd have to be aware of that too. Cautiously, she checked the rooftops. No sign of the Bat.

Sighing, she slipped out of the door and ran as fast as she could across the clearing. Her destination was the Greenhouse- she just knew that was where Ivy would be. But as she was running by the fountain to get to a directional sign to tell her where to go, she was suddenly tackled.

Thinking it was another lunatic, Y/N jabbed her elbow back to stun them. But pain shot up her arm when she tried, feeling like she'd just hit solid rock.

Y/N cried out in pain as she was flipped around, only to be face-to-face with Batman. Y/N growled as Batman placed his foot on her chest and pressed down lightly to hold her in place. "You're not going anywhere," he told her, his eyes narrowed.

Y/N tried to move her left arm, but it was beginning to get numb. "Yes, I am!" she hissed. "You can't keep me here, not when the island is like this!"

"Yes, I can," Batman argued, pressing down on her chest harder with his heavy boot.

Y/N began to gasp for breath. "This has t-to be against some kind of law! What happened t-to laws against cruel and unusual p-punishment?" she huffed angrily, using her right hand to try and push Batman's leg off.

"The laws don't apply to this island anymore, at least not until it is under Gordon's control again. And it will be," Batman threatened.

No... I don't think it will...

A voice rang out across the courtyard. A voice so seductive, so familiar...

"Pamela!" Y/N shouted, looking around for her girlfriend.

But the seductress was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, a large root knocked Batman off of Y/N, allowing the girl to scramble to her feet. "Pamela! Where are you?"

Just get in.

Y/N heard a rustling beside her and a large flower grew out of the ground, opening its pink petals. She took one last look at Batman fighting off the rogue roots before stepping onto the flower. Its petals closed around her and she suddenly got pulled into the ground.

Y/N braced herself as the flower tunnelled backwards through the soil at a very quick pace. Then, it burst through the surface and gently deposited Y/N in the greenhouse. Y/N shook the dizziness from her head and glanced around.

Her eyes widened when she saw Pamela on a throne of thorns, stroking some menacing-looking Venus Flytraps.

Pamela grinned widely and rushed over to Y/N embracing her. "Oh, my flower! You're okay! I was so afraid that you had been killed!"

Y/N happily hugged Pamela back, but it seemed as though Pamela had been out of her cell for a while, based on the state of the greenhouse. Plants were everywhere, dead bodies hanging from the ceiling, and the building was now very structurally unsound.

Y/N pulled away from Pamela and rubbed her injured arm. "How long have you been out?" she asked quietly.

Pamela frowned and cupped Y/N's cheek in her hand. "Well... I was one of the first ones released..."

Tears pricked Y/N's eyes. "And... you didn't come looking for me?"

"No! I mean, I didn't come looking for you... but- no. You don't understand..." Ivy trailed off, stroking some leaves on the vine behind Y/N. "The TITAN is doing something to my plants... making them... stronger. They were calling to me..." she shivered, and Y/N couldn't help but be intrigued.

"But that still doesn't explain why you left me." Y/N raised her eyebrow.

Pamela bit her lip. "I was never going to leave you, my flower. I couldn't live with myself if I did," she assured Y/N, gently kissing her forehead. "Once I reached the greenhouse and killed all of the filthy men, I began to see what new strength the TITAN entailed... and it is amazing!" she breathed. "What you saw today was only a fraction of my new abilities with the plants."

"Really?" Y/N questioned, pursing her lips sceptically.

Pamela giggled. "Really. I had actually had a whole heroic rescue planned for you, but... I guess that's been ruined."

"I don't know, I thought what you did to the Bat was cool," Y/N shrugged, forgetting her arm. She winced and inhaled sharply.

Ivy gasped. "You're hurt! Here." She took Y/N's arm in her hands and vines grew out of her fingertips, wrapping Y/N's arm. At first, it hurt, and Y/N grunted in pain, but almost as soon as it had come, the pain ebbed away.

Soon, Y/N was able to bend and move her arm like normal. As Ivy retracted her vines, Y/N looked up at her in awe. "Since when could you do that, babe?" she asked.

"I think it's an effect of the TITAN," Ivy explained, staring at her hand.

Y/N smirked. "Well, I like it. What else can it do?"

Ivy pushed Y/N up against the wall and bit her lip seductively. "Would you... like to find out?"

Y/N wanted nothing more than for Ivy to claim her right then and there, but she also knew they needed to leave. "Pamela, as enticing as that sounds, we need to go. It's not safe here for us."

Pamela smiled and shook her head. "Wrong, it's not safe here for everyone else. I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you."


Pamela cut Y/N off by passionately kissing her lips, pressing their bodies together and wrapping her hands in Y/N's hair.

When she pulled away, she stroked Y/N's cheek. "My flower, don't you understand? I am the island." She gestured around. "All of these plants are under my command, and now they are ten times stronger than they were. With you by my side, we can eradicate the plague of humankind here and this island that once held us captive will become our freedom!"

Y/N licked her lips, intrigued by the idea. "Why stop there? We can take over Gotham. Hell, we can take over the whole country. The world!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Ivy's shoulders. "All we need to do is spread some spores, right?"

"This is why we're meant for each other," Pamela moaned, pressing her lips against Y/N's once more. The pair tumbled to the ground, Y/N on top of Pamela, holding her to the ground as she kissed down Ivy's body.

The danger of the island was soon forgotten as Y/N and Pamela got wrapped up in a moment of pure passion...

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