Charity Schmarity- Catwoman (DC Comics)

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Male Y/N

Y/N rolled up to Wayne Manor in his 777 Hypercar- a present for his 25th birthday. As much as Y/N hated his parents for trying to integrate him into their multi-million dollar Automobile industry, he had to admit that the cars were a nice perk.

Y/N got out and threw his keys to the valet. "Take it out for a spin if you want," he told the young man. "If you dent it I'll just have the guys at our factory make me another."

The valet looked at him excitedly and ran over to the car. Y/N winked at him before going up to the door. "Hello, good sir. I have one valid invitation for entry to this Wayne charity function for... is this one Feeding the Homeless? Or is that one next week?"

The guard at the door looked at Y/N in discontent before taking his invitation and nodding for him to go inside.

"A man of few words, huh? Don't worry buddy, you'll get there," Y/N teased before heading inside.

Y/N made it his personal mission to make himself look like the biggest ass at these events whenever his parents forced him to go. Even though he was an adult and could make his own decisions, Y/N's parents would cut off his account if he ever disobeyed them. Y/N loved money, he needed it to support his lifestyle (which in hindsight, was his parent's fault for raising him that way) so he complied. And until he found another, just as profitable source of income, Y/N was forced to these charity events.

It wasn't all bad. He didn't mind giving money to support good causes. Not to mention the food and drinks were always good. But Y/N could never find any good-looking chicks at these things. They were all either old or taken. And the ones who he did like, only wanted him for his money, which was a major turn-off for him.

So, Y/N decided to do what he always did at charity parties: Eat, get slammed, and make an ass of himself to embarrass his parents.

The first thing Y/N did was find the bar. Once he did, he noticed a pair of gentlemen discussing business over their cocktails. He smirked and slipped in between the two, interrupting their conversation. "Hey, bartender! I'll take a beer!"

"Excuse me, do you mind?" one man scoffed.

Y/N turned to him. "Oh yeah. Hi. Y/N Y/L/N. How are ya?" he asked, extending his hand.

"My word, you're a Y/L/N? How... interesting," the other man said. "Erm, let's go, Reginald."

The men left just as the bartender handed Y/N his beer. "Cheers mate!" Y/N winked before taking a swig and going out into the throng of people.

"Mingle, mingle, mingle... ahhhh, I hate mingling," Y/N complained.

He found an empty table and sat, kicking his legs up onto the surface of the table and throwing back his beer. He glanced around the room, his eyes landing on a table where a group of older men were surrounded by shallow, hot women who were massaging the men's shoulders while asking for a few hundred bucks. He sighed.

"So shallow, all of them, it breaks my heart," someone said behind Y/N.

He spit out his drink in surprise, all over the white tablecloth, causing the table beside him to look over. He stuck his tongue out before looking to see who had spoken. Behind him was a woman in an off-the-shoulder white and black lace dress with short, raven hair and bright green eyes.

"But then again, money makes the world go round." she continued with a smirk.

Y/N pursed his lips as he looked the gorgeous woman up and down. "And, you are?"

"Bored." she feigned a yawn, making him laugh.

"I'm with you. My parents dragged me here. You?"

The woman shrugged. "I just like to dress up. Feel pretty every once in a while."

Y/N extended his hand. "Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you."

"Selina Kyle," she said as she shook it. "Hey, don't your parents own that car company?"

Y/N rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but I don't want to do that. I'd rather race the cars and win money than sell them."

"A racer, huh? That's a dangerous profession," she told him, eyebrow raised.

"What do you do, then?" Y/N asked, curious about what occupation Selina had that qualified her for this charity event.

She smirked and showed him the diamond pendant of her necklace. "Jewellery inspector."

Y/n scoffed and shook his head, not believing that for a second. "There's no such thing!"

"But of course there is! I look at jewellery to try and find any imperfections. If there are, it's no good. But if not, then I determine its worth. The job pays pretty well," she explained nonchalantly.

Y/N continued to shake his head. "There's no way."

"Why must you be so sceptical of me, Y/N? Wouldn't you like to get to know me a little better?" Selina asked. "You and I both know I'm the only decent woman attending this thing."

Y/N sighed, realizing she was right and he was being a bit unfair towards her. Besides, he didn't want to scare her off. "Sorry, sorry. I'm just still a bit irritated about my parents, you know what I'm saying?"

Selina shook her head. "I don't. My mom left me when I was five. I never knew my dad," she said, trying to act nonchalant, but not succeeding as well as she'd hoped. She cleared her throat. "I'm sorry, I'm going to go freshen up."

"I-uh, a-alright," Y/N muttered embarassedly. He frowned as he watched her perfect figure disappear down a hallway. "Way to go, Y/N. A good woman finally found you and you let her go."

Y/N sat at the table for a moment and downed his beer, hoping it would help him forget about her. But it was no use. He wanted to continue to hang out with Selina. He stood with a newfound confidence that he wouldn't mess things up, and went down the same hallway he'd seen Selina go down. He found the bathroom door and knocked. "Selina, are you in here?"

No response.

"Selina?" he carefully opened the door but saw that no one was there. "Huh? Did she use a different restroom?"

Suddenly, Y/N thought he saw someone out of the corner of his eye. Whoever it was had run down a corridor off the main hall a few feet down from where Y/N was standing. "Hey! Wait! Is that you Selina?" Y/N called, rushing to follow the person.

He heard them trip and collapse onto the ground. He rounded the corner and saw none other than Selina on the floor, gathering up a handful of valuables that Y/N knew weren't hers. "Damn heels," she hissed before catching Y/N's eye.

"What are you doing?" he asked. "This is a charity event!"

"Charity schmarity," Selina grumbled as she righted herself. "Besides, I'm not taking the money for the charity, I'm taking the rich people's valuables." She held one up and inspected it. "A 24-karat gold necklace with thirteen inlaid star-shaped diamonds, a popular choice among the nobles of France." She winked when she saw Y/N's eyes widen. "See, I told you I was a jewellery inspector."

"Selina, even I wouldn't go this far," Y/N told her.

Selina sighed and approached Y/N, placing her arms around his shoulders. She stared deep into his (your eye colour) eyes and said, "That's because you're rich, honey. Let the poor girls have their fun."

Before Y/N could respond, she crashed her lips onto his for a deep kiss. Y/N was startled at first, but then welcomed her, deepening their embrace as much as he could before she pulled away.

"Goodbye, Y/N Y/L/N." She blew him a kiss before walking over to an open window and jumping out.

Y/N gasped and ran over to it, peeking out at the ground below. She waved to him as she got into a car. But not just any car.

HIS 777 Hypercar!

"Hey!" Y/N exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

"Going for a joyride! If I don't total it, I'll leave it in the parking garage on Fourteenth Street!" She waved to him. "Thanks for the ride! Catch you at the next one of these things!" With that, Y/N watched her drive off.

He sighed and leaned on the window sill, looking out over the city. "Looking forward to it."

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