New world

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I was looking at the sunset, a beautiful mix of yellow, orange and red. I breath in the clean and cold air. I've been for what it seems months, I learn to hunt, track and learn a lot about plants. I feel so free and alive. I have walk all of these woods still no secret society, maybe is all a lie. all I know is I love it here, I kind of forgot who I was back there, I haven't talked to the lady in a really long time. Finally free of that to. I was sitting at a huge branch of a tree, the highest I could have climbed, just enjoying my afternoon. I rain drop touched my skin, finally some rain, I love it when it rains, is so peaceful. I go down and walked to my cave, so I can rest for the day. also I have a pet fox, found him when he was just a small cub, his mother died of a wolf attack. His name is "illy" I love him so much, he's been my company for the past months. I was walking with him beside me, when I hear a branch breaking. I turn around fast and looked around. Illy took his defense stance. I don't see nothing but I do perceive a strange smell, like perfume, lavender.

-Who's there?- I ask taking my rock knife out of my pocket

Then a couple shadows come out of the woods, two men and a woman, they had guns and bows. They where pointing me with their weapons. Humans, finally. My heart filled up with joy, I can't believe it. 

-drop your weapon!- the man screamed at me

I fast drop the rock knife and raised my arms. - I mean no harm- I said

-who are you and how are you here?- the woman asked

I cant tell them the truth they will think I'm crazy or say I'm lying. -I escaped, I heard about you guys back at the city, so I came-

-really? you escaped the vampires alone?- the third man speak

-no, I was with more, but they died long time ago, bear attack-

They look at each other, I don't think they are buying my story. -I'm telling the truth, I've been walking this woods for months-

-we know, I have been watching you from a far- the woman says

-so you know I'm not lying and I'm just a human looking for shelter-

-turn around- one of the man order, I do so and he walks to me, tied my hands with some metal bracelets. -now follow us- he said walking pass me.

-what about the fox?- the woman asks

-he comes with me, he's my friend-

we walked for a couple minutes, we went under a waterfall and inside a cave, when we go out the cave I'm hit with the strike of light, electric light, a city inside of a mountain. how? this place was filled up with humans walking around. I'm  so full of feelings, I look down to illy and he was looking around to. I am glad I'm with him to see this, I wish I could've have bring my family, but hopefully I soon will. They took me to the upper part of the city, going up in the walls of this mountain. we arrive to the peak, going back outside, the wind was strong, up here there was a huge house made of stone, we go inside and there where more people dressed the same as the people who got me here, I'm guessing is like a uniform, we go inside a big room a small group of men and women where talking while looking some paper on top of a big table. They notice me and fast stopped talking.

-Hello, and welcome, finally I meet the woods warrior-

I just smile and nodded, that's how they call me here.

-I hope your way here is satisfactory, now to the real talk, how did you escape the vampires?-

How does he know so fast. I look around and the room was filled with guards and people.

-if you want they can leave, but we don't hide anything here, we are a huge family-

-is ok, and to answer your question, with help-

-help? hmm, what kind of help?-

this guy is getting on my nerves, I'm not good with lies, I cant picture a good lie that I can make him believe what I'm saying. So I'm just going to say the truth. -I can't die, so I just ran away, they couldn't kill me so they just let me go-

He looked at me weird and started laughing. -that's absurd, you don't have to lie to us, is ok if you have done things that may seem bad our cruel, I know how things are out there, I was there, I lived it, but is ok, you soon will open to us, I will assign you a helper, so you get adjust here, if that is what you want-

-yes I do-

-perfect, know, sara will get you settle, any questions?-


-then All I can say is welcome to your new home, any questions or concerns, come to me, ok?-

-yes sir-

-oh no sir, call me William, your name?-

-Phoenix star Ortiz-

-Well that's a name to remember-

After that the woman that bring me here was sara, she took me to her place, a small wood house inside the mountain, it was small but cozy, well clean, it felt so nice, but I can help this horrible feeling of guilt. I'm here and my family is back there.

-hey, wood girl- sara wakes me up from my day dreaming


-This will be your room from now on, until you get your own place, just get some sleep for today, tomorrow we will fetch you some clothes and the essentials, so you can get accustomed here, sounds fine?-

-yes, thanks-

I walked to my new room, just a small bed with blue covers, a small window with an amazing view to the city below, a night stand with two drawers. I sit on the bed it was at the other side of the window, So I pushed it so is next to it, then I sit and look outside the window, Illy jumped to the bed and lay next to me. I finally let all my feelings out, I started crying because I was happy, because of my family, because I miss Dorian and Alex, because I'm afraid of what is to come, a bunch of feelings and questions filled up my brain, I started having a panic attack, I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes, concentrated in breathing, then I was out in the black.

-it has been so long  bearer-

-I know, I've been avoiding you-

-and that's why?-

-I hate dying-

-I can see that, nobody likes dying, but you don't die, and there's some things you need to learn-

-I don't want to learn no more-

-don't you want to save your family?-

-I do, but it seems I lost more when I do-

-there some things that just cant be stopped-

Then I wake up, I'm still here, then I close my eyes again and finally sleep peacefully.

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