Kill me please

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My mother was hugging me tightly, she couldn't stop crying, I tried to calm her down, but it didn't work. Then my dad arrives, he rushed to us once he heard mother crying. He saw the letter on her hand and went to join the hug too.

"hey honey, please calm down" he said to her

"I'm so sorry baby, I wish I wouldn't have had you, so you wouldn't have to pass through this" she said grabbing my face

"Is ok mom, is not your fault"

"Miriam, can you go and put jimmy to bed, I need to have a talk with our daughter"

She do what he asked her and left us alone in the kitchen.

"ok, phoenix, do you remember our trip when you where little?"

"mm, what trip?"

"ok good, well when you where 5 years old, we took a trip, the vampires where moving us to this location, remember we didn't always lived her, well in that way, an old woman came to us, she promised us the end of vampire nation, we followed her and she did some things to you, we did it because we wanted the best for you and your brother ok, I know you don't remember much but know this, things are going to change, not only that but, you will awaken something inside of you that can be only activated with the bite of one them"

"dad you are confusing me"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry that you have to go through this, but remember where you come from, your name and, I never told you this or anybody, only your mom and I know, but your full name is Phoenix Star Ortiz"

That name, that simple mixed of words, made my insides twirls, like what you feel, when you fall in love. I don't know but I was happy.

"never forget that, where it like a shield, with honor" he hugged me again and kissed my cheek

I walked to my little brothers room, he was in his bed all tucked in, I went to him, got on my knees, I kissed him in the forehead and said one last "I love you" I went outside to my room, my mother was waiting for me. She was sitting on my bed, she calmed down. I sit next to her.

"I love you"

"me too"

"there's no words than can explain how I'm feeling, but you do know well, that you are important to me, to us, as a family, so go and make us proud"

"thanks mother"

She left and closed the door, what I'm going to do, I only got a couple hours till morning arrived and they come for me. This is my last night here. might well enjoy it. I took a shower and went to bed early, my mother baked a chocolate cake, so she bring me the biggest piece to bed, I ate it all. after that the drowsiness from sleep started to came in. Then I hear screaming outside, I wake up fast and run to the window, I see some vampire guards holding, bird family. I ran outside, my mom and dad where outside already.

"what's going on?" I ask

"is the kid, he killed himself"

Bird no. My heart filled with sadness, then I see the vampire guards taking a body out of birds house and it was him. I started crying, why. remember you don't mind, you don't care, it wont hurt. They made a fire in front of the house and throw his body in, then they throw his father, grabbed the other kids in family and take them to feed of them, his mother is going to be relocated, but first she has to go and take some classes. Thats the price you pay for disobeying them.

"come on Phoenix, lets go inside" my father says

"wait, family B13" A vampire said from behind us

We turned around.

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