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He went to sleep fast, he didn't say a word. I went to the closet and lied down the floor, I tried to sleep, but had to much stress in my chest. I looked to the door and wondered, what if I went outside, just to walk around. I stood up and walked carefully, I grab the doorknob and turned around slowly. I looked back and he still was sleeping, I walked outside and nobody was around. I didn't closed the door complete, only partial, so I don't make a sound. I walked down stairs and heard sounds behind a door, I walked fast and inspect the sounds, I peek through a corner of the door, it was the kitchen, I saw my work friend, she was crying, then a man appeared, he was pulling his pants up. 

-remember, you say something, your whole family dies- the man turned around and walked outside, I hide behind the door, I watched as he walked away, then I entered the kitchen. She was still crying, standing in front of the sink.

-hi- I said in a low voice

She jumped and looked at me fast. -what are you doing here, get out, you are going to get us in trouble- she tried to push me out

-is ok, nobody saw me-

-no you need to go back from whatever you came-

-hey, look at me, is ok- she look at my eyes and started crying even more, she fall to the ground, while holding on my shoulders. -what happened?-

-nothing happened, it doesn't matter, we are just disposable, don't you see, we are life stock, animals that they can use and kill at will-

-no, that's not true, we are far more, we where here first, not them, this world is ours-

-yes well, tell me, how are we going to take it back, tell me, how to change our way of living?-

-I...I still don't know, but I promise I will-

-that's funny, how you think you can, but is nice seeing someone with hope, I had from time to time, but lost it on the way-

-well I'm still here right? I'm supposed be dead long ago, But look at me, still alive, that must be something-

-yes that's true- she cleans her eyes. -why is that?-

-because I'm different and I'm getting our freedom back, but I have to stay calm and do it step by step and I do need help, how many human worker are in this mansion?-

-over 20, why?-

-we need to gather them all, we need to start little, giving hope, we cant stay quiet for another life time-

-how can you sound so strong?-

-because we are strong, humans, we are born with a soul, not like them-

She smiles, she looks so beautiful, she's my friend, yes, I'm not alone, she's with me, suffering with me, falling in to their hands. But not for long. 

-What's your name?-

-Mia, that's what a friend back at the camp used to call me-

-you know my dad named me, Phoenix star Ortiz-

-wow that's a whole name, is beautiful, how come we never talk like this back at home-

-maybe that was not the time, but don't worry we got the now to know each other; also, maybe you will get the time to ask your father for one-

-yes! I will love that-

-well, I must head back, don't want any trouble, for now- As I walk back, I heard Mia footsteps rushing towards me and she hug me from my back

-will you come tomorrow night too, just to talk-

-yes I promise and don't worry for that vampire, I promise whatever he did to you it wont happen again-

She chuckles. -ok star-

I went back to Dorians room but before entering I notice from afar, the vampire from earlier going to his room, he was half naked and with a toothbrush on his mouth. I was so angry, something happened in side of me and I walked fast towards him, then I started running in that hallway, he heard my footsteps and turned around, I was close enough so I jumped to him, I wrapped my legs around his waist, grab his face roughly, sticking my nails on his face, he grabbed my waits and tried to pull me off, but I hold tight, I felt my heart pounding so fast, a rush I have never felt before, I kissed him so hard it felt like a punch on my lips, then I thought of the fire and it happened, his face started burning like a cigarette, I let go and fell on my butt to the ground, I saw how his body started lighting on fire, it was not like a flame, it was more like when you suck on a cigar and it starts to burn inside. He then falls to the ground as a little stash of ashes. I push myself back up and look around scared that someone saw, but gladly it was deserted, I walk fast back to Dorians room, he still was on his bed, I closed the door and ran to the closet. My heart wanted to get out of my chest, I closed my eyes and control my breathing, then without notice I fell asleep.

-Nix wake up- I felt someone shacking me

I open my eyes and see Dorian looking down at me, he was moving me with his feet. I got up fast.

-sorry master-

-is ok , just wash yourself we got stuff to do, or at least me, you just coming-

I walked to the bathroom used it and clean my face and teeth, went out and changed into my fucking doll clothes, what does he think, that I'm a toy, well that's stupid, of course I am, I'm worse, I'm a pet. We walked outside and everything was normal, weird I know I killed someone last night. on our way out a butler stand on our way.

-Prince your father asks if you have seen mister Phill this morning-

-no, why would I?-

-ok Prince, if you see him, can you pass the message that your father need him-

-yes sure-

We head out and I couldn't stop thinking, I just killed a vampire. Mister Phill, that's his name. I feel so happy, its been long since I feel this way, a smile appears in my face without me noticing. Dorian looks at me and notice.

-why you smiling about-

-nothing master, I'm sorry-

-is ok, I like it, do it more often-

We kept walking towards the car, it doesn't matter how much he tries to play nice, I know who he is and what. A monster that enslaves my kind, and he with all others are going down, no matter what.  Even if it takes me going with them.

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