Luck is on our side!

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Quick question guys! would you like me to go into detail for all fights, or would you prefer me to only write MC'S fights in details? if you guys have any other suggestions for the story, please comment below! thank you guys <3

ps. stream Hind's hall and free Palestine 

After team B won that round, fairytail was finally climbing it's way to the top. Unfortunately, the next matches were one on one and you could only pray that you weren't going to be the unlucky victim; especially against Sabertooth, with that woman now replacing Yukino you could already tell she has the heart of a merciless killer, not to mention she exuded an enormous amount of strength that would put even Erza on her guard.

The first match up was a brutal one for sure 'no surprise there, it is Sabertooth after all' you silently seethe, burning holes into the back of Rufus' head, and it seems you also weren't the only one. Poor Eve never stood a chance.

"what are you being all gloomy for huh?" Gajeel muttered gaining the attention of your other teammates. You blinked for a few moments before sighing, as Cana pats your head in comfort.

"I'm just worried I'll be put up against Sabertooth is all"

Laxus snorted "what? Of them? Weren't you so pumped to kick their asses?"

You groaned as he reminded you of your words "i know but....yesterday when we stormed the place...that woman..." you shivered "something about her is just...unnerving"

He frowned "don't worry you'll be fine. You're strong enough to at least not go down without a fight"

"Gee thanks" you replied flatly. "that gives me so much confidence" you glared. He grabbed you by the ear "You know what i meant you idiot!" he yelled as you struggled to get away from him. You both stopped bickering as they began announcing the next competitors.

"Fairytail team B's Laxus Dreyer! And Raventail's Alexei"

You watched nervously as Laxus walked down into the arena "i have a bad feeling about this..." Mira nodded in agreement "Me too...i just hope we're both wrong" She whispered

The match finally started as the whole guild held their breaths, these guys were the ones responsible for hurting Wendy and Carla so you just knew that they were going to play dirty in this match too.

Mira gasped as Alexei got the first hit in, knocking Laxus back; not giving him a chance to recover before unleashing a barrage of attacks against him.

"you're kidding..." you heard one of your teammate's mutter in disbelief, whilst you clenched your fists

"He's not even trying to fight back...what-what the hell is happening!?" your voice, laced with concern. Everyone in Fairytail was on the edge of their seats wondering what the hell is going on with one of their most elite and strongest members.

"I don't understand...Laxus...this isn't like him..." Mira trembled, you wanted to comfort her but you didn't know what was going on either; all you can do is pray is that he makes some sort of miraculous comeback.

The fight continued with Laxus on the losing end, you really thought he was going to lose. 'come on Laxus...'

In the blink of an eye lightning surrounded the area making the hairs on your body stand on their ends.

"Thats gotta be Laxus!" Gajeel grinned, crossing his arms. There were audible sounds of relief as the smoke cleared, followed abruptly by gasps of disbelief as Laxus stood victorious over... " that...all the members of Raventail!?" Cana blurted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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