Mazes and pancakes

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Mirajane, Laxus, Jellal, Gajeel, and yourself ran towards the centre of the sky labyrinth. You thought you were doing pretty well…until.

"What the hell is this!?"  Laxus grumbled

"I'd tell you if I knew" Mirajane replied.

You were about to say something until you heard a voice.

"Well lookie who we have here" you turned to the voice to see a very muscular man who was at least twice your size.

"It's the fairy flops" He jeered.

"What did you say punk?" Laxus growled

"Oohh what are you gonna do? Fight me? As if!" He shot back

At this point, there was anger radiating off of all of you.

"Look there, in his hand" Mira whispered in your ear.

"A map?" You questioned. You looked at her, and saw the mischievous glint in her eyes. You grinned back at her and knew exactly what she meant.

You jumped off of the platform you were on  and onto theirs.

"Hey idiot what are you doing!?" Gajeel yelled.

You didn't respond and kept your eyes on the enemy.

You rested one hand on your hip and held the other one out.

"Mind handing over that map you got?" You asked in a sickly sweet voice.

"This?" He waved the paper in the air. "Fat chance. Get her guys"

Three men came charging at you with magic weapons and swung them at your face, you managed to dodge them easily considering they weren't using them correctly

"Sea dragon downpour!"

Thousands of tiny, sharp water droplets came raining from the sky causing your attackers to squirm and jump frantically, which made them lose their footing making them let go of the map.

You grabbed the map off of the platform and waved it in front of their faces.

"I think you dropped something" you smirked before kicking them off the platform.

"Whoopsie" you snickered.

You made it back to your platform where the rest of your team were waiting, you held up the map and grinned.

"Great going Y/N"

"What is that a map? Can’t you and Gajeel just sniff your way out of here?" Laxus questioned.

"WE'RE NOT DOGS!" You both yelled.

"And if that were the case I would've already done so but this place is so weird and the smells are all over the place"

"So that's why you grabbed their map" Jellal finished.

"Well In that case, what are we waiting for!? Let's go steal some more maps!" Laxus chuckled darkly.


After taking a few more maps (and eliminating some teams in the process) you all brought them back to Mira, because the rest of you all collectively share a single brain cell.

"Hmmm…" Mira had her hand on her chin and her brows were furrowed in concentration.

"Well?" Gajeel said

Mira sighed and dropped her head. "These maps make no sense"  making you all groan in annoyance.

Before another word could be said the platforms started shaking and everyone could feel themselves slipping from the platform and free falling downwards and hitting your heads on what felt like…

SMUG! Sting Eucliffe X F! ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt