I told you so...

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As you walked back to your team, head hung low in shame you could hear the mocking and judgmental comments of the people in the arena, 'Fairytail is so pathetic' 'why did they even bother entering, it's obvious they're gonna come in last place' normally you would scowl at them, but you've just suffered a crushing defeat. Luckily for you Natsu and his loudmouth said it for you.

"What the Hell is so funny shitheads!?" He yelled, stomping his feet; you didn't need to look up to know that they weren't intimidated, their laughter said it all.

To get to where the rest of your teammates stood you had to walk past Sabertooth, you planned to just walk past them silently, you'd look stupid if you started taunting them after losing to one of their teammates. However, Sting had other plans "Awww what's wrong?" he mocked "I thought you were gonna defeat us and take our spot. But now I can see that you were just blowing hot air; both you and your guild are pathetic" despite the blinding rage building up inside you, you simply stalked past him as he snickered. You had finally arrived back to your team's area; you didn't say a word as they all looked at you. Now that it was just you and your teammates, you allowed your eyes to well up with tears "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" you sniffed as you finally allowed yourself to properly look up.

"it's alright, you did your best. Besides no one saw that move coming, you were awesome out there" Mira reassured you as you rubbed at your eyes. "Probably the most entertaining one out there" Laxus added. Jellal nodded in agreement. "Whatever crap that Sabertooth moron said to you, tell him to shove it up his own ass" Gajeel cackled. You couldn't help the fit of giggles that erupted from your mouth at his comment. "Thanks guys, you're the best."

"Hey, look up at the screen, they're announcing the battle match ups" Laxus grunted. The touching moment was cut short as you anxiously gripped Gajeel's arm 'not me not me not me not me' you prayed to whichever Gods were listening, and finally your prayers were answered, although not in the way you hoped when you looked at the giant words on the screen.

'Lucy Heartfilia vs Flare Corona'

"She's from Raven tail" you cried "out of all the other teams, it had to be Raven tail..." The rest of your teammates also looked on in concern, 'they targeted us last round, and now they've paired Lucy up with Flare...please be okay Lucy.'

As Lucy walked out, she held a determined look on her face, and you could hear Lily, Happy, and Cosmo cheering for her along with master's angry cheering. Finally, they announced the beginning of the match, and everyone watched in anticipation.

Lucy made the first move, grabbing her keys and swiftly summoning Taurus, the Golden Bull, who came out with a 'Mooo' however, Flare didn't seem intimidated in the slightest, as she jumped to avoid Taurus' attack. But before Flare could counterattack, she summoned Scorpio "Summoning two spirits at once!?" Laxus gawked. "She must have busted her ass off to be able to do that and not run out of magic power!" "Something like that" you mumbled to yourself, he didn't need to know you guys partied in the celestial spirit world and lost all your training time.

A large sandstorm was aimed in Flare's direction, but instead of dodging, she looked like she was going to take it head on; but in the blink of an eye, her hair started flowing like it had a life of its own and it blocked Scorpio's attack. 'That's some freaky ass hair, does she ever cut it!?'

Thankfully, Lucy had another trick up her sleeve as Taurus and Scorpio combined their abilities and sent Flare flying in the air.

"GO LUCY!" You cheered ecstatically. It seems like Lucy would win this fight. Unfortunately for Flare, Lucy had summoned Cancer to chop her air off so she couldn't counterattack, which caused Flare's eyes to widen in rage. "M-MY HAIR!" She snapped. Just then she lowered her head towards the ground and her hair seemed to grow and penetrate the ground and manage to grab Lucy's feet, picking her up and throwing her harshly to the ground. Lucy managed to pull out her celestial whip and grip Flare's arm throwing her attack off balance.

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